Meeting Title

The York Enhanced Partnership for Buses Forum

Date / Time

Thursday 15th February 2024 16:00 – 18:00


Hybrid City of York Council, West Offices, York


Andrew McGuinness (AMG)

Danielle Hudson (DH)

Andrew Mortimer (AM)

Lara Thompson (LT)

David Merritt (DM)

Cllr P Kilbane (Cllr PK)

Cllr R Melly (Cllr RM)

Andy D’Agorne (ADA)

Sam Fryers (SFr)

David Beer

Cllr S Fenton (Cllr SF)

Flick Williams (FW)

Michael Howard (MH)

Cllr M Nicholls (Cllr MN)

Kayleigh Ingham (KI)

Roger French (RF)

Cllr C Vassie (Cllr CV)

Confederation Passenger Transport (Forum Chair)

City of York council (CYC)


Badger Hill Residents Community grp


City of York Council (CYC)

York & District Trades Union Council

CYC (Labour Group)


CYC (Labour Group)


York Green Party

City of York Council (CYC)

Transport Focus

CYC (Lib Dem Group)


York Disability Forum


City of York Council (CYC)

CYC (Conservative Group)


First Bus


York Bus Forum

CYC(Lib Dem Group)


Michael Moore

George Wood

Niall McFerran

Dan Braidley

Mike Longhurst

Richard Hampton (RH)





Minutes By

Danielle Hudson





Introductions and Apologies






Emergency evacuation routes stated



Minutes from previous meeting



Check actions with MM and RH from previous meeting see below:

RH looking into the issues with the audio on the real time screen at bus stop on Haxby Road.

MM looking into issues with tap on and tap off machines not working.







Minutes from ODG meeting



AM explained that a recommendation was put forward at the ODG meeting for a task and finish group to discuss Accessibility.



Update on Local Transport Strategy



LT 1500 online submissions and over 40 handwritten submissions, CYC currently in process of cross checking and gathering data on this. Very pleased to see high levels of support for policies. Top level findings will be released in March.



Cllr PK stated movement and place plan for entire city will need to be ready for around may as Mayor will need to have transport strategy in for this time.



Cllr PK has also expressed that a coach plan has been put on the radar by CPT. When looking at initial findings there seems to be a lot of support for principal of moving car drivers onto buses, only way to do this is to change the network and reallocate road space to buses. Cllr CV agrees with Reallocating Road space but expresses that all transport needs to improve to rural areas also real time screens. Cllr PK expressed that CYC are looking at all options including franchising.



BSIP Quarterly report update



MH explained £17.5 million has been given in November 2022 since then team have worked hard to achieve a lot. Forum has helped that happen.



MH assured we are working on making all emails and attachments accessible to all.



MH stated we have had a real step with the real time screens CYC have ordered a further 50 battery powered real time screens.



MH Youth fares initiative has been rolled out from February to end of December to change young people’s behaviour.



MH CYC will be consult with group with concept designs for (P&R) multi model hub.



MH CYC currently has resources challenges, we are hoping this will be resolved soon.



DM expressed capital schemes meant to fnish in March 2025 but some of these schemes have not yet started what reasonably will be done before deadline? MH DFT releasing money late was a challenge, we are trying to improve travel behaviour and instil change. We are working very hard to get quick wins on the ground. We do anticipate we will do all we have said we will do and we do feel it is realistic. CYC do have continued dialog with DFT.



ADA measures we have already invested in with Youth fares is very welcome but is there any evidence this is increasing patronage? SFr currently we do not have data back but modest rise in patronage.



LT provided update on Agency contract this will all be signed and full on board by end of next week. Promotion took CYC to York college. We found out some students attendance were under 80% due to not being able to afford to get to college. ADA links could be useful to understand barriers from young people to use buses.







CLLR CV raised that the real time info screen on A19 at Deighton is facing the wrong way. RH to investigate.




Updates to BSIP Documents



MH explained DFT have asked for an update of BSIP doc in June this year, they have allocated 1.5 mil of revenue for 24/25 they have asked for a small update on how that will be spent. We will issue that to DFT end of this month.



DM Will the group get consulted on June submission, more comprehensive list on dashboard MH we will consult on that in terms of dashboard update we have very tight resources, now we need a little more time for this. No timeline at the moment.



Accessibility Task and finish group



AM explained Duncan McIntyre has been selected as chair, FW, Cllr PK and Cllr Lomas to be involved in this. This is Being set up imminently.



Local bus services executive Report.



MH provided update Several services will be put in for retendering. When tenders are issued, we will be encouraging changes. Overview of funding position, 1.15 mil how this will be used. Expect outcome of ZEBRA bid 2 to have outcome by March 2024. First buses are mainly all out now, ZEBRA two will be working with tour buses and smaller buses.




FW asked about Diesel buses out at the moment. KI explained due to power outages which first are working with the power grid at the moment we have had to use 5 buses from out of City to keep York service running with no breaks in service.



ADA suggested looking at setting up a back up resource at the park and ride sites for in case any issues at depot KI explained that if ever total power outage First would implement disaster recovery plan, where buses would be pulled from other depots. MH conversations to be had regarding park and ride sites, getting full supply to depot is key.



Christmas planning



AM brief overview provided of issues with Christmas congestion/planning.



SFr explained Joanne Waddington attended meeting with make it York and other partners to discuss congestion. CYC in progress of getting data together to prove this, this will be sent over in next couple of weeks.



Questions for bus operators.



RF asked what change that first are making from spring? KI uplifting service from 12 to 10 minutes. Rawcliffe park and ride, SFr sign off on that tomorrow.



Highway Quick Wins



DH Spreadsheet shown with log of all bus stop improvements and highway quick wins. ALL send over bus stop improvements and highway quick wins (




Any other business



Cllr SF cross party looking at dial and ride, establishing if there is demand for this in the York area. If anyone has any insight on this please send email over.



FW asked DB about data that is being collated regarding bus stop bypasses DB is going to look into this and get back to us.




AMG asked to look into meeting times and frequency DH has said she will look into this.



Date and times for next meetings:



13th March 2024 – 10:00-12:00

11th April 2024 – 14:00-16:00

08th May 2024 – 16:00-18:00

12th June 2024 – 10:00-12:00

11th July 2024 – 14:00-16:00

14th August 2024 – 16:00-18:00

11th September 2024 – 10:00-12:00

09th October 2024 – 14:00-16:00

13th November 2024 – 16:00-18:00

11th December 2024 – 10:00-12:00