Foss IDB & Tony Richardson

·        29 May 2018- confirmed by email following notice of appointed members of Foss IDB that they go by the list of members that we send them.


·        18 June 2019- list sent to Foss IDB admin for approved list of members (from Annual Council) for Foss IDB which did not include Cllr A S Richardson (confirmed with Tony that this is him) and Cllr Mark Warters


·        18 June 2019- asked by Shelly Allenby (Foss IDB admin) whether to take off Cllr A S Richardson and Cllr Mark Warters from the membership. Response from me to Shelly- I would presume so.


·        28 July 2019- Clerk to Heworth Without PC, Nicola Moorcroft, asked for information as to how they could be represented on the Foss IDB given that their member (Cllr Perrett had passed away)


·        28 July 2019- confirmation from Shelly Allenby (Secretary to Bill Symons, clerk of the Foss IDB) that they receive a list of council appointees, they don’t choose who to nominate


·        28 July 2019- Nicola Moorcroft confirmed that Bill Symons said that CYC deals with appointments to the Foss IDB


·        29 July 2019-email from Steve Wragg (CYC contact) in response saying he never had any involvement on how to identify members of Drainage Boards and neither did York Consortium of IDBs. The Association of Drainage Boards says appointed members don’t have to be a Councillor, or a Council employee, just someone who has knowledge or experience of some matter relevant to the drainage board.


More advice from Association of Drainage Boards

·        A vacancy occurring in the appointed membership is filled by the relevant Council and the term served by such Appointed Members is a matter for the appointing local authority. It is important to note that when acting as a Board Member of your IDB, you are there to serve the interests of the IDB, which may, on occasion, differ from party political wishes, or those of another body.

·        2 September 2019- Bill Symons informs Cllr Mark Warters that he is not appointed to Foss IDB as he was not nominated by CYC. This was why welcome pack was not sent out to him.


·        2 September 2019- email to Steve Wragg, first mention of ‘ex Cllr Richardson’ not receiving a pack like Cllr Mark Warters. Asked him what were the grounds for nomination of members (i.e. could Cllrs and Parish Cllrs be on it?)


·        2 September 2019- Mark Warters confirmed that he had been attending for the last eight years and will continue to turn up as normal.


·        6 September 2019- Dawn confirmed that Mark Warters could be appointed at SMUC as a Council appointee.


·        26 November 2019- email from Bill Symons including membership of the Foss IDB at the last meeting, including Cllr Warters as a member, and Mr A S Richardson as a member of the public


·        26 November 2019- email from Judith to Dawn saying how Tony Richardson had been bothered he didn’t show on CYC website or get a welcome pack. Dawn agrees to put the appointment for Tony Richardson as a Board Member (following question in email from Judith about whether to get Tony Richardson nominated as a Board Member and put on the next SMUC/Council agenda)


·        26 November 2019- phone call from Judith to Tony, Tony confirms he is Mr A S Richardson and has always been on Foss IDB (even before being a CYC Member).


·        27 November 2019- email trail between Judith, Louise and Dawn- question asked whether Tony wanted to be nominated as a Parish Councillor (i.e. for Haxby Town Council)


·        27 November 2019- Judith sends an email to Mark Scott (clerk of Haxby TC) asking this question.


·        28 November 2019- Response from Mark Scott. At a recent Foss IDB meeting, Tony announced that he represented the Town Council on the Board for many years. Mark was asked to investigate as he was unaware of this fact. Told there were 10 CYC vacancies that needed filling. On the list they received, Cllr Richardson wasn’t on it. The Board advised they weren’t looking for a representative from the TC, and if anyone from the TC attended it would be as a member of the public. If it is possible for CYC to nominate non CYC Cllrs, let Mark know and the TC will need to decide whether to recommend Cllr Richardson or not.


·        28 November 2019- Judith in response to Mark Scott. Told him we would be happy for Cllr Richardson to fill one of the vacancies on the Foss IDB.


·        28 November 2019- phone call from Judith to Tony Richardson- told him what could be the possible way forward (i.e. SMUC report)


·        29 November 2019- contact with Louise re the recommendation on the SMUC report, resolution was to appoint Parish Cllr A Richardson subject to the agreement of Haxby TC at their meeting on 2 December 2019


·        29 November 2019- informed Mark Scott via email about SMUC report and resolution


·        29 November 2019- Judith emailed Tony Richardson to let him know about SMUC report and resolution, pointing out it is up to Haxby TC to appoint him to the Foss IDB.


·        3 December 2019- Judith approached by Ian Cuthbertson, in confidence told that Haxby TC had made it clear they were not happy with the recommendation, there was a lot of nastiness going on. He felt if Haxby TC approved Tony Richardson on to the Board then he should not represent CYC. He felt Tony Richardson was applying on his own behalf and by the SMUC recommendation that CYC are implicitly happy to have him on the Board.


·        4 December 2019- Emailed Mark Scott (clerk of Haxby TC) to ask him what decision they’d made, whether they would nominate Tony Richardson to represent them on the Foss IDB.


·        9 December 2019- postponement of Tony Richardson’s appointment to Foss IDB. Decision taken by Dawn.