Meeting Title

The York Enhanced Partnership for Buses Forum

Date / Time

Monday 17th July 2023, 10am (Finish 11am)


City of York Council, West Offices, York


Andrew McGuinness (AMG)

Cllr Pete Kilbane (PK)

Cllr Stephen Fenton (SF)

Cllr Michael Nicholls (MN)

Cllr Martin Rowley (MR)

Cllr Dave Merrett (DM

Louise Collins (LC)

Graham Collett (GC)

Martin Higginson (MH)

Mike Longhurst (ML)

Andrew Mortimer (AM)

Flick Williams (FW)

Kayleigh Ingham

Michael Howard (MH)

Dean Morrish (DRM)

Sam Fryers (SFR)


Confederation Passenger Transport (Forum Chair)

CYC (Labour Group)

CYC (Lib Dem Group)

CYC (Conservative Group)

CYC (Conservative Group)

District Trades Union Council AGM

Transport Focus

York Bus Forum

York Civic Trust

Dodsworth Area Residents Association

Badger Hill Residents Community Group

York Disability Forum

FIRST representative

City of York Council (CYC)

City of York Council (CYC)

City of York Council (CYC)



Cllr Rachel Melly (RM)

Julian Ridge (JR)

Richard Hampton (RH)

George Wood (GW)


CYC (Labour Group)

City of York Council (CYC)

City of York Council (CYC)

York Older Peoples Assembly



Attendees & Apologies

Minutes By

Dean Morrish





Introductions and Apologies



AMG introduced meeting, DM extended apologies from JR & RH.



GC raised point about time of meeting and requested to stick to afternoon timeslots. DRM to understand best availability for group.



Review of 26th July ODG Minutes



GC requested to see BSIP business plan, SFr explained that the previous year end project plan was due to be published TO BE ADDED TO ODG AGENDA



DM requested to see annual/quarterly report on BSIP, SFr explained that the next quarterly BSIP report is due to be sent to DfT soon and I’d look into whether it could be shared. TO BE ADDED TO ODG AGENDA




DM & AM discussed that FIRST’s Tap-On-Tap-Off service needs wider promotion/explanation and that a focus on cashless option for single fare would negatively impact vulnerable passengers.


KI explained further information regarding TOTO is available on FIRST’s website. KI agreed to speak with internal marketing regarding marketing in local, rural communities.


KI also explained the data collected suggested a very small percentage (0.28%) of passengers are using the £1.40 cash single fare. FW highlighted any data collected will digitally exclude users who do not use the service, AD then suggested option of a cashless card similar to options offer in other West Yorkshire areas. KI agreed if significant number of passengers were interested in this alternative, it can be investigated.








AMG highlighted strategic focus of the Forum and posed the question of having one cycling representative from the York operators to provide an operator’s overview of the network.


AD suggested inviting Keith McNally, chair of the ODG, to join and be a standing member of the Forum to be able to provide a more direct line between the EP Forum & Operational Delivery Group. AMG agreed that a one-time attendance would be beneficial however not confident continual attendance would be necessary.


GC suggested having a standing representative from one of the two major operators (FIRST or TransDev), AMG agreed to raise point within the ODG to operators. TO BE ADDED TO ODG AGENDA













Cllr MR proposed the idea of variable pricing of tickets to financially incentivise and accommodate local, rural areas. KI responded that this option is not currently available and followed on to say that approach may punish rural users further when pricing for longer, under-utilised trips.



GC raised query regarding Item 9b regarding BSIP network revenue support for early morning & late evening journeys up to 6 months from 3 months. SFr explained


“CYC are seeking sufficient funding from the ODG to enable us to fund the services for up to 6 months. Whilst the intention is to have some kind of decision on the services' futures by the 3-month mark, the additional funding headroom means we can accommodate a full procurement timeline, should this be required.”




Future meeting Dates/times



DRM confirmed next date was 24th July, although due to amended to 23rd following AMG’s prior commitments.






MH briefed group that the Passenger Liaison Group is in the process of being established, which Duncan McIntyre is leading, which will allow CYC to further understand how to accommodate and meet the needs of all users/passengers.