New Earswick Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting
16 October 2023
Business Commenced at 19.00 hours

Attending Councillors:       Sue Glenton (Chair)                                      (SG)
                                              Christine Cooke                                             (CC)
                                              Christine Durrant                                            (CD)
                                              Will Durrant                                                    (WD)
                                              Roy Love                                                        (RL)
                                              Carol Runciman                                             (CR)                                                
                                              Audrey Steel                                                   (AS)

Apologies:                           Yvonne Orton                                                  (YO)

Visitor:                                  One Resident

Clerk/Minute Taker:             Sally Bruckshaw                                             (SB)    

23.10.01        Notices of the meeting, receipt of apologies and approving   
                      reasons for absence

The notices of the meeting had been posted on the Parish Council notice board, web site and COYC web site.  The reason for absence was approved.

23.10.02        To receive declarations of interest on any items on the Agenda


23.10.03        To receive reports on Police matters

A  Monthly reports for August and September 2023 had been circulated.

B  Updates from Drop In sessions – No members of the public had attended the last session.  A further date had been set for the 17 October.

C  20 mph speed limit expansion – Information on this was noted.

D  Notification of the retirement of Chief Constable Lisa Winward had been received.

23.10.04        Co-option to two Ordinary Vacancies – Expression of Interest
                      from Resident

Dr Whitehead a resident of Hartrigg Oaks, attended the meeting and gave details of her career and experience of being a Councillor in Cambridgeshire.

RESOLVED That Dr Joan Whitehead be appointed to one of the two Ordinary Vacancies.

23.10.05         To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21 August, 2023
                       following cancellation of the planned September meeting

The minutes of the meeting held in August were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

23.10.06         To consider any matters arising from the minutes of the previous

A  Condition of road/footpath adjacent to the delivery entrance of Joseph Rowntree School – COYC Rights of Way Officer had visited the site and reported the issue to City Council Education who manage the area.

23.10.07        To receive correspondence since the previous meeting other than
                       that circulated for information

A  NALC – Policy Consultation on Local Plans – The findings would be reported in due course.

23.10.08        Environmental matters

A  Removal of telephone kiosk near to the shops -  The telephone at the kiosk had been reinstated.  The Police had reported hoax calls.

B  Grate requiring attention near to the shops - This had been reported to COYC by Ward Members.
C  Overgrown hedges – Confirmation of maintenance work ongoing from  JRHT(10.10.23).   They had also clarified the responsibility for maintenance by occupiers of property, particularly next to alleyways.

23.10.09          Planning consultations

A  23/01542/TPO – 3 Juniper Close, New Earswick YO32 4TJ
Fell 1 no. Lime tree – Protected by Tree Preservation Order 39/1982

B  23/01583/TCA – 5 Cherry Tree Avenue, New Earswick YO32 4AR
Fell 1 no. Ash tree – Tree in a Conservation Area

Members had no objection to these applications.  Response B.

C  23/01593/TCNOT - Telecommunications Cabinet, Lime Tree Avenue, New Earswick
Regulation 5 notice of intention to install fixed line broadband cabinet.

This item was for information only.



23.10.10        Attendance at Meetings

A  Huntington and New Earswick Ward Committee (4.9.23) - No items required attention from Members.

B  York Bus Forum (19.923) - CC was following the zoom meetings and another was due to take place the following day.

C  Nature Recovery Launch (30.9.23) - SG had attended this meeting and would circulate further details.  A number of voluntary groups in New Earswick were already carrying out work that related to this initiative.

D  YLCA York Branch meeting (12.10.23) - No Members attended. 

23.10.11         Update from Finance Committee held on 13 September, 2023

Draft minutes had been circulated.  These included the review of Financial Regulations to include increased thresholds to £30000.  The Model Publication Scheme had also been amended.

23.10.12          To confirm receipt of the AGAR – Part 3 from the External

The External Audit Report had been received and no matters of concern had been raised.

23.10.13           To consider the annual donation to the Royal British Legion               
                         (Section 137) (Noting arrangements for Remembrance Sunday)

It was confirmed that AS would attend the annual Remembrance Day ceremony on behalf of residents and a wreath should be purchased.

RESOLVED:  That a grant of £300 be awarded. 

23.10.14          To approve the payments listed below

A   Petty cash                                                    50.00 (21.8.23)
B   Open Spaces Society                                  45.00 (21.8.23)
C   Judge Electrical Limited (Electric Tests)      90.00 (4.9.23)
D   PKF Littlejohn LLP (External audit)            252.00 (13.9.23)
E   HMRC                                                        718.85  (20.9.23)                      
F   Salary (September)                                    824.95  (20.9.23)
G   Autela Payroll Services Ltd                          54.58  (4.10.23)
H   Banner Business Solutions Ltd                    42.89  (16.10.23)
I    Petty Cash                                                  100.00  (20.10.23)
J   Salary (October)                                          824.75  (20.10.23)

RESOLVED That the above payments be accepted.

23.10.15     Items for the next meeting

Request to replace the seat near the bus shelter at the Folk Hall.
Further information on the Nature Recovery project.


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 19.50 hours.

Signed _____________________ Chair, 20 November, 2023