You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held
               in the Folk Hall on Monday, 20 November, 2023.  Business will commence at
               19.00 hours.


               1     Notices of the meeting
               2     To receive and note apologies from Members who are unable to attend
                      the meeting.
               3     To receive declarations of interest on any items on the Agenda

               4     To receive reports on Police matters
A  Monthly report for October, 2023
                       B  20 mph speed limit expansion including YLCA questionnaire
                       C  Crime Commissioner - Fire Officer update

               5      Ordinary Vacancy on the Parish Council
               6      To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16 October, 2023
               7      To consider any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting

                        A  Further information on Nature Recovery Project

                8     To receive correspondence since the previous meeting other than that
                       circulated for information

                       A YLCA - Details on the LGA Model Councillor Code of Conduct and
                       LGA Conduct Guidance - Additional information

                9     Update from Deputy Director JRHT - Responses to queries raised

               10    Environmental matters

                        A  Request for replacement seat near the Folk Hall bus stop

                        B  Condition of road signs in New Earswick

               11    Attendance at Meetings

                        A York Bus Forum

                        B  Representation of New Earswick Residents at Remembrance Ceremony





















                12     Planning consultations


                          A   23/01845/TCA - 9 Almond Grove, New Earswick, YO32 4AY

                          Fell 1 no. Hawthorn - Tree in a Conservation Area
                          B   23/01879/FUL - Garages at Hawthorn Terrace South, New Earswick,
                          Erection of 5 no. dwellings following demolition of existing garages with
                          associated access, parking and landscaping.

                          C  23/01885/TCA - 25 Lime Tree Avenue, New Earswick YO32 4BE
                          Fell 1 no. Sorbus - Tree in a Conservation Area

                          D  Proposed amendments to a Traffic Regulation Order


                 13      Local History Society -  Query relating to a grant previously awarded

                 14      Membership renewal - Campaign to Protect Rural England

                 15      Confirmation of National Pay Award 2023-24


                 16      To approve the financial transactions listed below



                            A  VAT refund                                                                 746.32 (28.9.23)
                            B  2nd instalment of precept                                       14000.00 (29.9.23)




                            A  JRF (Room hire)                                                         60.00 (20.10.23)
                            B  COYC (Room hire)                                                   900.00 (20.10.23)
                            C  Royal British Legion (Wreath)                                    20.00
                            D  Royal British Legion (Section 137)                           300.00
                            E  JRF (Room hire)                                                         10.00
                            F  Petty Cash                                                                  50.00
                            G  Salary (November)                                                   824.75


                17       Items for the next meeting - 15 January, 2024



              Signed ___________________ Clerk 13 November 2023







Sally Bruckshaw

Clerk to the Parish Council
c/o New Earswick Primary School,
Hawthorn Terrace, New Earswick, York YO32 4BY

Telephone 07391 665639