You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held
               in the Folk Hall on Monday, 18 September, 2023.  Business will commence at
               19.00 hours.


               1     Notices of the meeting, receipt of apologies and approving reasons for
               2     To receive declarations of interest on any items on the Agenda

               3      Attendance of JRHT Executive Director at the meeting
               4     To receive reports on Police matters
A  Monthly report for August, 2023
                       B  20 mph speed limit expansion

               5      Co-option to two Ordinary Vacancies
               6      To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21 August, 2023
               7      To consider any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting

                        A  Condition of road/footpath adjacent to the delivery entrance - Joseph

                        Rowntree School

               8      To receive correspondence since the previous meeting other than that
                       circulated for information

                       A  NALC – Policy Consultation on Local Plans

               9      Environmental matters

                       A  Removal of telephone kiosk near to the shops

                       B  Grate requiring attention near to the shops
                       C  Overgrown hedges – Confirmation of maintenance work ongoing from JRHT

               10    Planning consultations

                       A  23/01542/TPO – 3 Juniper Close, New Earswick YO32 4TJ
                       Fell 1 no. Lime tree – Protected by Tree Preservation Order 39/1982

                       B  23/01583/TCA – 5 Cherry Tree Avenue, New Earswick YO32 4AR
                       Fell 1 no. Ash tree – Tree in a Conservation Area

                       C  23/01593/TCNOT - Telecommunications Cabinet, Lime Tree Avenue,

                       New Earswick
                       Regulation 5 notice of intention to install fixed line broadband cabinet

               11    Attendance at Meetings

                       A  York Bus Forum

                       B   Huntington and New Earswick Ward Committee

               12    Update from Finance Committee held on 13 September, 2023

               13    To confirm receipt of the AGAR – Part 3 from the External Auditors













            14       To approve the payments listed below


                        A   Petty cash                                                    50.00 (21.8.23)

                        B   Open Spaces Society                                  45.00 (21.8.23)
                        C   Judge Electrical Limited (Electric Tests)      90.00 (4.9.23)
                        D   PKF Littlejohn LLP (External audit)            252.00 (13.9.23)
                        E   HMRC                                                        718.85                            

                        F   Salary (September)                                    824.95


               15     Items for the next meeting





               Signed ___________________ Clerk 8 September 2023






























Sally Bruckshaw

Clerk to the Parish Council
c/o New Earswick Primary School,
Hawthorn Terrace, New Earswick, York YO32 4BY

Telephone 07391 665639