New Earswick Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting
17 October 2022
Business Commenced at 19.00 hours

Attending Councillors:  Sue Glenton (Chairman)                                (SG)
                                         Christine Cooke                                             (CC)
                                         Christine Durrant                                           (CD)
                                         Roy Love                                                       (RL)
                                         Darren Newton                                              (DN)
                                         Yvonne Orton                                                 (YO)
                                         Carol Runciman                                             (CR)
                                         Audrey Steel                                                   (AS)
Visitor:                            One Resident
Clerk/Minute Taker:       Sally Bruckshaw                                              (SB)

22.10.01     Notices of the meeting, Receipt of Apologies and Approving      
                   Reasons for Absence

The notices of the meeting had been posted on the Parish notice board, web site and COYC web site.  The reasons for absence were approved.

22.10.02     To Receive Declarations of Interest on any Items on the Agenda


22.10.03     To Receive Reports on Police Matters

A  Monthly update - The report had been circulated to Members.  It was noted that some known incidents were not included.

B  Reports of anti-social behaviour involving children - The Police had been notified of the concerns raised by residents.  It had been agreed that they would recommence the drop in sessions that allowed for informal conversations with the Police.  CD and YO agreed to attend on the 31.10.22.

C  Police and Crime Commissioner - The consultation response relating to the future operation of Huntington fire station had been circulated.  YLCA had notified that a meeting arranged with the Crime Commissioner, the Assistant Chief Constable and Parish Council representatives on the 2.11.22 had been cancelled.  YCLA were to request that the meeting be re-scheduled.





22.10.04     To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held
                   on September, 2022

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.                      

22.10.05      Membership of the Council – Co-option to Casual Vacancies

Following their attendance at the previous meeting two residents had confirmed their interest in becoming Members of the Parish Council.  They had previously had involvement with the local Council in the village where they used to live.

RESOLVED That Danila Taylor and Ray Taylor be co-opted to the two remaining vacancies on the Council.

22.10.06      To Consider Any Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Previous

A New Earswick Bowls Club - JRHT proposals – CR was to notify any updates following further meetings.

B Re-location of the defibrillator – COYC had confirmed that they would respond to the pre-planning application as soon as possible.  Initially submitted 18.7.22.

22.10.07      To Receive Correspondence Since the Previous Meeting Other
                    Than That Circulated for Information

20.9.22 - New Earswick Annual and What's On - JRHT funding query – Referred to the Finance Committee.

27.9.22 -  St Nicks Green Corridors Officer - Update on walk along the River Foss held on 8.6.22.  Representative to be invited to a future meeting.

22.10.08      Update on Office Re-location

The office equipment and furniture was to be moved the following day.  An inspection of the office at the Folk Hall was to be made by JRHT before the end of the month.  An invoice for the contribution towards the new internet connection at the Primary School had been received.






22.10.09      Feedback from Attendance at the Residents Review Meeting

Three Members had attended the initial meeting and expressed concerns about the responses given to queries raised by residents.  An additional virtual meeting had also been arranged and another Member had registered.  SB was asked to contact the Citizens Advice Bureau to clarify whether sessions could be held in New Earswick. This had been considered previously some years before.

22.10.10     Commemoration of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – Proposals for       

CC had researched the costs of a stained glass window or plaque which was likely to be very expensive.  She had raised the idea with one of the Managers at the Folk Hall and received a negative response.

Further information was to be sought relating to financially supporting the development of a sensory garden in the area outside the library.  Community Action for Nature also had an established oak sapling that could be planted elsewhere in New Earswick. 

22.10.11     Background Information Relating to the Helping Hands Project

Two Members had met the resident who was developing this project and were appreciate of the aims.  They had given some practical advice relating to how the scheme was being publicised.

22.10.12      Problems with Fly Tipping in the Willow Bank Area

YO notified Members that garden waste was being left on the river bank and near the garages. Vehicles were also being parked on the grassed areas.   Situation to be monitored.

22.10.13     To Consider the Annual Donation to the Royal British Legion
                   (Section 137 (Noting Arrangements for Remembrance Sunday)

It was confirmed that AS would attend the annual Remembrance Day ceremony and a wreath should be purchased.

RESOLVED:  That a grant of £300 be awarded. 





22.10.14     To Approve the Payments Listed Below

A  Mittas (Computer Repair)                                            35.00 (26.9.22)
B  WEL Medical Ltd (Replacement Parts
     Defibrillator)                                                               192.00 (26.9.22)
C  Hughes Removals                                                     420.00 (3.10.22)
D  JRF (Final Office Payment)                                       262.00 (17.10.22)
E  Complete Business Solutions Group Ltd                     39.19 (17.10.22)
F  Hertfordshire Association of Parish and Town
    Councils (Member Training)                                         15.00 (17.10.22)
G  Salary (October)                                                        673.55 (20.10.22)

RESOLVED That the above payments be approved.

The quarterly statement and bank reconciliation to the end of September had been circulated.

22.10.15     Items for the Next Meeting

Adoption of new Code of Conduct.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20.10 hours.



Signed ________________________ Chairman, 21 November, 2022