You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held in
            the Folk Hall on 17 October, 2022.  Business will commence at 19.00 hours.

           1     Notices of the meeting, Receipt of Apologies and Approving Reasons for
           2     To Receive Declarations of Interest on any Items on the Agenda
           3     To Receive Reports on Police Matters
                   A  Monthly Update
                   B  Reports of Anti-Social Behaviour Involving Children
                   C  Police and Crime Commissioner - Consultation Response Relating to
                   Huntington Fire Station
           4     To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 26
                   September, 2022
           5      Membership of the Council – Co-option to Casual Vacancies
           6      To Consider Any Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
                   A  New Earswick Bowls Club - JRHT Proposals
                   B Re-location of the Defibrillator
           7      To Receive Correspondence Since the Previous Meeting Other Than That
                    Circulated for Information
                   A  New Earswick Annual and What's On - JRHT Funding Query
                   B  St Nicks Green Corridors Officer - Update on Walk Along the River Foss
           8      Update on Office Re-location
           9      Feedback from Attendance at the Residents Review Meeting
          10     Commemoration of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – Proposals for Consideration
          11     Background Information Relating to the Helping Hands Project
          12     Problems with Fly Tipping in the Willow Bank Area
          13     To Consider the Annual Donation to the Royal British Legion (Section 137)
                   (Noting Arrangements for Remembrance Sunday)



























           14     To Approve the Payments Listed Below

                    A  Mittas (Computer Repair)                                        35.00 (26.9.22)
                    B  WEL Medical Ltd (Replacement Parts
                        Defibrillator)                                                            192.00 (26.9.22)
                    C  Hughes Removals                                                 420.00 (3.10.22)
                    D  JRF (Final Office Payment)                                   262.00

                    E  Complete Business Solutions Group Ltd                 39.19
                    F  Hertfordshire Association of Parish and Town
                         Councils (Member Training)                                    15.00
                    G  Salary (October)                                                    673.55


           15     Items for the Next Meeting





          Signed ___________________________ Clerk 10 October, 2022

Sally Bruckshaw

Clerk to the Parish Council

The Folk Hall, New Earswick, York YO32 4AQ

Telephone 07391 665639