Annex B





Management of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and update on the Groves


Annex B – Planter options identified


Final decision on planters to be installed will be delegated to officers and based on the following criteria:

·         Suitability of planter design for scheme (including forklift moveable, anti-graffiti, reflective strips, drainage, road safety, etc);

·         Cost (planter cost, maintenance, installation);

·         Availability within project timescales (lead times); and

·         Consultation feedback.


Option 1 - Boulevard 1200 Circular Planter

Available in a range of colours and finishes – no anti-graffiti coating possible



Option 2 – Classica 1220 Planter

Available in a range of colours and finishes but only 3 types of light colours/materials will support anti-graffiti treatment