Murton Parish Council


Minutes of the meeting of Murton Parish Council held on Wednesday, 13 July 2022   

Present:  Cllrs I Waddington, R Clancey, R Kettlestring, G Richardson, A McFarlane (Clerk), Ward Cllr M Rowley plus 1 member of public


22/50               Apologies for absence from Cllrs Harriman and Wells, Ward Cllr Warters

22/51               A Declaration of Interest was made by Cllr Clancey regarding item 22.54.2

22/52               The Minutes of the Annual meeting held on Wednesday, 8 June were confirmed as a true and correct record

22/53               Ongoing Issues and action                                                                                                                                                                                            22.53.1 The latest report from the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party had been circulated. Prof. D Waddington advised that CYC Planning Forward were in the main happy with the plan but were now involved in hearings over the Local Plan

                        22.53.2 There were no incidents on the June Police report

22.53.3 The Parish Council submission to the Hearings into the York Local Plan regarding ST7 had been acknowledged and time reserved for a statement. The hearing was due to be held on 25 July and Prof Waddington would attend on behalf of the Parish Council

22.53.4 Village pond - the new bench had been delivered direct to Stoneplan who were to install it The clerk met on-site with Aspects Horticultural Services to discuss tidying up the whole area surrounding the pond by strimming and grass cutting. Cllr Clancey said then the fencing could be undertaken

22.53.5 The appeal by R Yeadon against non-determination of her plans to convert the ground floor of the village pub to an apartment was to be a virtual hearing on August 10th by a Planning Inspector. Cllr Clancey and Prof Waddington would attend to represent the Parish Council

22.53.6 There were no matter from Ward Councillors

22/54               22.54.1 - Planning application 22/01227/FUL – OS Field 5070 Hull Road for a variation of the original application to allow an alternative external colour to be used for the energy storage units. The Council decided to request that the original colour of dark green be maintained

22.54.2 – There had been a Public Notice in the York Press applying for an operating centre for 20 goods vehicles and 20 trailers in Murton Lane for Donald Ward. Cllr Clancey had declared an interest in this item as the business of Clancey and Sons had been sold to Donald Ward, a waste management, scrap metal and recycling company. The Chair allowed Cllr Clancey to speak and he gave assurances to the Council regarding operation of the site and the traffic volume not being significantly different from the present levels

22/55               There were no Planning decisions to discuss

22/56               Financial Matters: It was agreed to pay the following invoices -

22.56.1 £290.40 Marmax – new bench for pond

22.56.2 £293.80 Aspects – May/June grass cutting

22/57             The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Wednesday, 14 September 2022 (there being no meeting in August)