Murton Parish Council


Minutes of the meeting of Murton Parish Council held on Wednesday, 8 June 2022   

Present:  Cllrs I Waddington, D Harriman, R Clancey, R Kettlestring, G Richardson, A McFarlane (Clerk), Ward Cllrs M Warters and M Rowley plus 1 member of public


22/42               Apologies for absence from Cllr Wells

22/43               No declarations of interest were made

22/44               The Minutes of the Annual meeting held on Wednesday, 11 May were confirmed as a true and correct record

22/45               Ongoing Issues and action                                                                                                                                                                                            22.45.1 Prof. D Waddington advised that CYC Planning Forward had started to look at the Neighbourhood Plan to fit in with the emerging Local Plan and it would then go to the Planning Inspectorate for checking

                        22.45.2 There were no incidents on the May Police report

22.45.3 Hearings into the York Local Plan were due to be held in July. There was no date set yet for the hearing into housing planned for ST7 and Prof Waddington, Cllr Warters and the Clerk would liaise over the PC submission on this subject

22.45.4 Village pond - the new bench was to be delivered direct to Stoneplan who would then arrange for installation. Cllr Warters had strimmed an area in front of the pond and the clerk had contacted Aspects to cut the whole area surrounding the pond

22.45.5 Over £1000 was raised at the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal lunch in St James’s Church. 40 tickets were sold and donations were also given from some who could not attend. Thanks were given to Sarah McFarlane, Denise Rothwell and Ellen Brown for providing the lunch and their hard work in making the event such a success

22.45.6 The appeal by R Yeadon against non-determination of her plans to convert the ground floor of the village pub to an apartment was to be a virtual hearing on August 10th. The clerk was asked to see if the hearing could be physically held in the Church as there was a lot of public interest in the matter. Further comments on the marketing and viability of the pub were to be sent to the Planning Inspectorate by July 1st

22.45.7 Cllr Warters advised that CYC had ongoing problems with repairs to PROWs. They have a large backlog of bridge works (and other large-scale rights of way works) and are currently carrying out a feasibility study covering all the outstanding works with a view to prioritising them according to the levels of danger to the public, previous levels of use and whether the affected routes carry a promoted path eg the Ebor Way. The annual capital budget for such works is currently £50k per annum. There are presently 6 bridges that need to be replaced and the same number of river bank collapses (where the riverbank carries a right of way) to rebuild. Each of these items will likely cost between £10k and £100k to replace/rebuild. CYC had estimated the cost of rebuilding the bridge on one of our paths at around £10,000

22/46               22.46.1 - Planning application 22/00868 ADV – there were no objections for a non-illuminated sign at Wm Thompson

22.46.2 – 22/00867/FUL – there were no objections to plans to extend and raise the height of the Mill building

22/47               There were no Planning decisions to discuss



22/48               Financial Matters: It was agreed to pay the following invoices -

22.48.1 £41.20 Vertigro - assorted plant feed

22.48.2 £168.00 DMK Services – transport/erect signs at Museum

of Farming

22.48.3 £30.00 Mr L Ripley – painting signpost

22.48.4 The Annual Internal Audit report for 2021/22 was approved

22.48.5 Section 1 Annual Governance Statement for 2021/22 was approved

22.48.6 Section 2 Accounting Statement 2021/22 was approved   

22.48.7 In accordance with the Local Audit Regulations 2015 and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities the following documents were to be published on the Council website:

            *Certificate of Exemption

            *Annual Internal Audit report 2021/22  

            *Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2021/22

            *Section 2 Accounting Statement 2021.22

            *Analysis of Variances

            *Bank Reconciliation to 31 March 2022

            *Notice of period for the exercise of public rights

22/49               The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Wednesday, 13 July 2022