Murton Parish Council


Minutes of the Annual meeting of Murton Parish Council held on Wednesday, 11 May 2022   

Present:  Cllrs I Waddington, R Clancey, R Kettlestring, G Richardson, A McFarlane (Clerk), Ward Cllr M Warters and 1 member of the public


22/33               Before the business of the meeting commenced it was unanimously agreed that Cllr I Waddington be elected as Chair to May 2023 and this was approved with the agreement of Cllr Waddington, who stated it would be her last year of office

22/34               Apologies for absence from Cllr Wells and Ward Cllr Rowley

22/35               No declarations of interest were made

22/36               The Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 13 April were confirmed as a true and correct record

22/37               Ongoing Issues and action                                                                                                                                                                                            22.37.1 Prof. D Waddington advised that CYC Planning Forward leader was to make the Murton neighbourhood Plan a priority once the Local Plan consultations were over. The two websites had been updated

                        22.37.2 There was no April Police report – a fire was reported at the Homestead and the Fire Brigade attended. It was believed that insulation had been stripped from cable reels and set alight after the wire was removed

22.37.3 Mr A Kettlestring was thanked for his work in preserving the wood on the bus shelter on the village green

22.37.4 Ongoing maintenance of the village pond and surrounds was discussed and it was agreed that the clerk ask Aspects to see what work was needed. Cllr Warters said he would ask the person who looked after Holtby pond for advice. The new bench had been ordered and was to be installed shortly

22.37.5 YLCA had asked for up to 2 nominations of councillors to attend Branch meetings to represent the Parish Council as voting representatives. There were no nominees

22.37.6 It was approved that the Certificate of Exemption be submitted to the external auditor for the financial year 2021/22

22.37.7 Cllr Warters advised that the Green Burial ground plans had been approved by CYC and a Works Board Loan was to be put in hand in conjunction with Osbaldwick Parish Council. He also suggested that Ward funds remaining of £1915.00 be spent on timber posts for the No Stopping signs on Murton Lane to replace the old metal posts

22.37.8 A resident complained of gunfire noise coming from Murton Park, especially on the last Bank Holiday weekend and the clerk was asked to write and ask that action be taken to reduce this type of noise

22.37.9 The clerk had received a request from a Dunnington resident to be able to plant a memorial tree on the village green and after discussion this was agreed

22/38               Planning application 22/00338/FUL relating to Prospect Farm was discussed. The new plans were difficult to understand and councillors were very concerned over details of the drawings. It was agreed to ask for new clearer plans

22/39               There were no Planning decisions to discuss

22/40               Financial Matters: It was agreed to pay the following invoices -

22.40.1 £65.00 Mrs D Wells - new computer battery)

22.40.2 £12.59 Mr A Kettlestring – preservative paint for bus shelter                                                                                                            

22/41               The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Wednesday, 8 June 2022