Murton Parish Council


Minutes of the meeting of Murton Parish Council held on Wednesday, 9 March 2022 at St James’s Church, Murton. Present: Cllrs I Waddington (Chair), D Harriman, R Clancey, R Kettlestring, D Wells, A McFarlane (Clerk), Ward Cllr M Warters


22/17               Apologies for absence received from Cllr Richardson and Ward Cllr Rowley

22/18               No declarations of interest were made

22/19               The Minutes of the meeting held on 9 February 2022 were confirmed and signed as a true and correct record

22/20               Ongoing Issues and action                                                                                                                                                                                            22.20.1 The Neighbourhood Plan was accepted from the Working Party and it was agreed that the Plan be sent to City of York Council for approval and then to an Independent Inspector. Any changes necessary would be made before final submission. The Parish Council undertook to act in the future on suggestions made in the formulation of the Plan. The Clerk had already instigated a review of PROWs with City of York Council to try and extend the network of paths.

22.20.2 There were no incidents on the February Police report, however Police had responded to suspicious activity at the Museum of Farming

22.20.3 The clerk had ordered a recycled bench for the pond, rather than a seat, to fit in with the surroundings better and it was agreed to place a plaque on the bench in commemoration of HM Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

22.20.4 It was agreed to set up a separate Events Committee under the authority of the Parish Council to continue the work undertaken by the Murton Centenary Committee in arranging events for the Community

22.20.5 There were continuing problems of obstructive car parking on Tranby Avenue and once again in The Garth. City of York Council were to discuss the situation in Tranby Avenue in mid-April. It was decided that The Garth problem was a matter for the Police

22.20.6 Cllr Kettlestring was thanked for arranging a litter pick and he reported that 12 volunteers had turned up to help. 3 car loads of rubbish were collected

22.20.7 The Parish Council decided to offer assistance with advertising events for HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations at the Museum of Farming. A meeting was to be arranged with Mr Benton to discuss his plans.

22.20.08 The Clerk had written to City of York Council Planning about the commercial residential letting of the upstairs of the Murton Arms without planning / building consent and also about the lopping of the birch trees in a Conservation Area without consent

22.20.9 Cllr Warters advised that City of York Highways Engineers were to investigate the drainage situation in Murton village. Osbaldwick Scouts had undertaken bulb planting on the wildflower verge in Moor Lane

22/21               There were no Planning Applications to consider  

22/22               There were no Planning Decision from CYC to report

22/23               Financial Matters:

22.23.1 It was agreed to pay Mr L Ripley £220.00 for painting the bus stops         


22/24               The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Wednesday, 13 April 2022