New Earswick Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting
15 August 2022
Business Commenced at 19.00 hours

Attending Councillors:  Sue Glenton (Chairman)                                (SG)
                                         Christine Cooke                                             (CC)
                                         Christine Durrant                                           (CD)
                                         Roy Love                                                        (RL)
                                         Darren Newton                                               (DN)
                                         Yvonne Orton                                                 (YO)
                                         Audrey Steel                                                   (AS)
Apologies:                      Carol Runciman                                              (CR)

Visitors:                          One Resident
                                         Two Representatives from New Earswick Sports Club
Clerk/Minute Taker:       Sally Bruckshaw                                              (SB)

22.08.01     Notices of the meeting, Receipt of Apologies and Approving
                   Reasons for Absence

The notices of the meeting had been posted on the Parish notice board, web site and COYC web site.  The reason for absence was approved                  

22.08.02     To Receive Declarations of Interest on any Items on the Agenda

Cllr R Love declared an interest in agenda item 5.

22.08.03     To Receive Reports on Police Matters
A  The monthly update was to be circulated to all Members.
B  Attendance at meeting relating to the Police and Crime Plan and Fire and       
Rescue Plan for 2022-25 – RL had attended this meeting.  The consultation questionnaire had been completed.

C Government Plans - Advice for Housing Associations anti social behaviour – SG to contact JRHT.

22.08.04     To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held
                   on 18 July, 2022

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

22.08.05      Representatives from New Earswick Sports Club - Background to
                    Grant Application

Two representatives from New Earswick Sports Club were welcomed to the meeting and gave a detailed presentation about the operation of the venue and the way they aimed to progress in the future.  The current large increases in several costs had significant implications for the Club.  Members acknowledged the difficult situation and how this was being addressed.  It was agreed that SB would seek additional advice from YLCA regarding grant support.  In principle Members wished to approve the grant request.

RESOLVED Subject to clarification, it was agreed that a grant of £2200 be awarded.

22.08.06      Membership of the Council – Co-option to Casual Vacancies

Two vacancies remained.

22.08.07      To Consider Any Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Previous

A New Earswick Bowls Club - JRHT proposals – A planning application to demolish the venue had been made to COYC. 

B  Recycling Event at the Folk Hall - 17 September – YO gave details of the event and invited all Members to attend.  She was to notify if she required assistance.

C  Replacement of felled trees – JRHT had confirmed that they would be carrying out replanting in the Autumn.

22.08.08      To Receive Correspondence Since the Previous Meeting Other
                     Than That Circulated for Information

18.7.22 -  NALC - Consultation on short term holiday lets – No response to be made.
25 & 29.7.22 -  Local Plan Phase 4 Hearing Sessions - Notification of timetable.
1.8.22 -  COYC - Devolution announcement  - Details had been issued.
3.8.22 -  NERF - Traffic calming measures – SB to follow up about replacement speed cushions and potential for cameras.

22.08.09     Proposed Changes to Office Accommodation

The Parish Council had been based in an office at the Folk Hall since 2005, originally with permission from NECA.  Following the decision of JRHT to terminate the existing lease (due to expire September 2023), extensive work had been undertaken to find an alternative office.  A licence had been offered by New Earswick Primary School to use a room at the school and clarification had been made concerning a number of matters. COYC staff had been very helpful and had assisted with organising internet solutions amongst other items.  The solicitor who had dealt with the lease with JRHT had checked the licence (with no charge to the Council) and confirmed that it was satisfactory.  Members, therefore, confirmed that the move should be notified to JRHT.

RESOLVED That the Parish Council office be re-located to New Earswick Primary School following notification to JRHT of this decision.

22.08.10     Planning Consultations

A Confirmation of Response to 22/01357/TCA - 34 Chestnut Grove, New
Earswick YO32 4BU.  A Member had visited the site and an objection had been lodged with COYC.  However, a tree preservation order had not been issued and the application to remove the tree had been given.

B  22/01280/FUL - 7 Mallory Close, New Earswick YO32 4DL - Installation of window opening to side.

C  22/01524/FUL - 36 Lime Tree Avenue, New Earswick YO32 4BE - Replacement of existing external doors and windows to flats no 36-58 and new roof.

Members had no objections to B & C.  Response B.

22.08.11  Updates from Members - Attendance at Meetings

A  Haxby Group (Surgery) – SG had attended the initial meeting of this newly established patient group.

B  YLCA Training - Relating to Government reform of the planning system – CC had been due to attend this training but due to computer problems had been unable to take part.  Another date was to be booked.

C   Public consultation on A64 Hopgrove transport scheme – CC and SB had attended the exhibition at the Folk Hall.  Individual comments could be made if required.

22.08.12    Renewal of Annual Membership - Open Spaces Society

RESOLVED That the annual membership be renewed.

22.08.13     Possible Re-location of the Defibrillator

Advice was outstanding from COYC regarding planning permission to move the unit.  In the meantime the defibrillator had been subject to a recall and was to be checked early in September (the first available date for collection).



22.08.14   Jubilee Events - Tree Planting

SG was to follow up on the discussions with JRHT regarding a tree and suitable location.

22.08.15    To Approve the Payments Listed Below

A  Complete Business Solutions                                              46.20 (15.8.22)
B  Salary (August)                                                                  673.35 (20.8.22)

RESOLVED:  That the above payments be approved.

CC had carried out a check on the accounts on 12.8.22.

22.08.16     Items for the Next Meeting

Public relations for the Parish Council.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20.30 hours.



Signed ___________________ Chairman, 26 September, 2022