New Earswick Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting
18 July 2022
Business Commenced at 19.00 hours
Attending Councillors: Sue
Christine Durrant
Clerk/Minute Taker:
22.07.01 Notices of the
meeting, Receipt of Apologies and Approving
Reasons for Absence
The notices of the meeting had been posted on the Parish notice board, web site and COYC web site. The reasons for absence were approved.
22.07.02 To Receive Declarations of Interest on any Items on the Agenda
22.07.03 To Receive Reports on
Police Matters including the Monthly
The update for June had been received. This included reports
of anti-social behaviour, vehicle theft and possible drug
dealing. SG reported that there had been an incident relating
to damage to a vehicle on Alder Way.
22.07.04 To Approve the Minutes
of the Meeting held on the 20 June, 2022
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
22.07.05 Membership of the Council – Co-option to Casual Vacancies
Two vacancies remained.
22.07.06 To Consider Any
Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Previous
at the YLCA Annual Conference in September – No Members
wished to attend.
22.07.07 To Receive Correspondence Since the
Previous Meeting Other Than
That Circulated for Information
Haxby Group (Local Doctors Surgery) – Invitation to First Meeting – 26.7.22 – SG to attend.
22.07.08 Proposed Changes to Office Accommodation
The current position was outlined to Members.
22.07.09 Planning Consultations
22/01258/TCA – West Huntington Hall, Church Lane, Huntington
YO32 9RE
Remove all the trunk and upper canopy leaving two branches at
6.5 m from the floor – Works to 1 no. oak tree in a
Conservation Area.
Members had no objection to this application. Response
22/01357/TCA – 34 Chestnut Grove, New Earswick YO32 4BU
Fell 1 no cherry tree in a Conservation Area. Members were
concerned about the felling of the tree. Further information
was to be sought.
22.07.10 Grants - Section 137
A - Application from the Sports Club
A representative was to be invited to the next meeting.
B - Update from the Local History Group – The full grant of
£500 had not been spent to date but an update had been
22.07.11 Possible Re-location of the Defibrillator
The local doctors surgery and New Lodge were possible alternative locations.
22.07.12 Update on Jubilee Events
SG and the Clerk had attended the JR School event, however, the school had sourced alternative funding for the tree planting. The Nature Reserve had also been considered as a venue. Members were asked to suggest suitable alternative locations.
22.07.13 New Earswick Bowls Club – JRHT Proposals for the Venue
Ward Councillors had been invited to meet with JRHT relating to their proposals for the Tanners Yard area and CR gave an update to Members. An email from JRHT had been received (18.7.22) and this was to be circulated. Concerns were raised and an item was to be included on the next agenda. CR was to meet with representatives of the Bowls Club later in the week.
22.07.14 To Approve the Payments Listed Below
A Refund for Purchase of
45.99 (7.7.22)
B Autela Payroll Services
77.64 (7.7.22)
C Salary
673.35 (20.7.22)
RESOLVED: That the above payments be approved.
The quarterly statement and bank reconciliation to the end of June had been circulated.
The quarterly financial statements had been circulated.
22.07.15 Items for the Next Meeting
New Earswick Bowls Club – JRHT proposals.
Re-cycling event at the Folk Hall – 17 September.
Replacement of felled trees – JRHT.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 19.50 hours.
Signed ___________________ Chairman, 15 August, 2022