Councillors Present:                          John Coldwell                      David Crossley                                                                                                     Russell Dowson                   Rosie Dunn                                                                                                           Chris Small                          


In Attendance:                                    CYC Ward Councillors Paul Doughty and Tony Fisher                                                                              Parish Clerk Fiona Hill


Public:                                                   0


22/96     a) To receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting: Ken Sawyers

                b) To consider the approval of reasons given for absence:                                                                    Resolved – Approved (Unanimous)


22/97     To record declarations of interest in items on the agenda: None


22/98     To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 26 January 2022:                             Resolved – Approved (Unanimous)


22/99     To discuss matters arising from previous minutes:                                                                Vacancy – The Parish Clerk had informed CYC of the vacancy and awaits authority to co-opt.

                Land Registry – The Parish Council noted the content of the searches and Cllr Doughty was asked to speak to Nigel Adams MP


22/100   To discuss long-standing matters:

-  Appearance of the parish e.g. grass cutting/litter       OK

-  Speeding                                                                            The speed van had been in the village a number of times since the last meeting.

-  Hopgrove Lane South – Left Filter Lane                    NTR


22/101   To receive any matters raised by members of the public: None


22/102   To report and make relevant recommendations on new planning applications:

- 22/00198/FUL – Erection of replacement dwelling following demolition of existing @ Bromley, 42 The Village

Resolved – Objection, as the application is incongruous with the street scene, due to the scale and mass. Neighbours comments should be taken into account. Should demolition be approved, a construction environment management plan should be in placed. (unanimous)


22/103   To discuss the Stockton-on-the-Forest Play Area:

Cllr  Sawyers had conducted the inspection last month

Cllr Small will conduct the inspection this month

Asfield Leisure would be asked to go head with the post ROSPA works and Aspects Horticulture will be asked to cut the Conifer.


22/104   To discuss matters raised with/by representatives of following outside bodies:

Rights of Way, Cllr Doughty would assist Cllr Coldwell by chasing up the missing signs

Foss Internal Drainage Board,  NTR

North Yorkshire Police – Report circulated by email was noted

Stockton Hall Hospital – The Parish Council would ask when the Village Liaison Meetings

would recommence and to request tidying of the area outside the hospital. Cllr Fisher had

litter-picked around the bridge.


22/105   To report any new correspondence received by the council:               

-          Holtby T-junction – The Parish Council had been copied into a residents email to Ward Councillors and supported additional signage and road markings.

-          Jubilee Party – The Parish Council had received an email from the organising committee and would discuss this further at the next meeting.




22/106   To receive matters raised by members: NTR


22/107   To discuss matters raised by City of York Ward Councillors:

Cllr Doughty and Fisher reported –

·         Potholes had been filled in Stone Riggs


22/108   To discuss matters raised with/by Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer:

-               Bookkeeping current year to date – The Cllrs received a bank reconciliation totalling £42004.94, along with and income & expenditure report

                -               Financial Management:

- To conduct internal control checks – These were conducted and everything was found in order.

-               Payment approval - None


22/109   To confirm the dates of the future meetings as:

23Feb22, 30Mar22, 27Apr22, 25May22, 29Jun22, 27Jul22, 31Aug22*, 28Sep22, 26Oct22, 30Nov22, 14Dec22

                * Due to Parish Clerk holidays, this meeting date was changed to 22Aug22