Councillors Present:                          John Coldwell                      David Crossley                                                                                                     Russell Dowson                   Rosie Dunn                                                                                                           Ken Sawyers                        Chris Small                          


In Attendance:                                    CYC Ward Councillors Paul Doughty and Tony Fisher                                                                              Parish Clerk Fiona Hill


Public:                                                   1 – Nick Bentley


Roger Wood – The Parish Council was sorry to receive his resignation, but understood and accepted his reasons.


22/82     a) To receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting: None

                b) To consider the approval of reasons given for absence: N/A


22/83     To record declarations of interest in items on the agenda: None


22/84     To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 24 November 2021:                         Resolved – Approved (Unanimous)


The meeting on Wednesday 15 December 2021 was cancelled due to concerns about the new covid variant


22/85     To discuss matters arising from previous minutes: None


22/86     To discuss long-standing matters:

-  Appearance of the parish e.g. grass cutting/litter       OK         

-  Speeding                                                                            The VAS is still to be fitted. The Parish Council stressed urgency, due to safety of the village and stated that the prolonged delay was worrying.

-  Hopgrove Lane South – Left Filter Lane                    NTR


22/87     To receive any matters raised by members of the public: None


22/88     To report and make relevant recommendations on new planning applications:

- 21/02656/FUL – One and a half storey side extension with rear dormer and enlarged front porch @ 29 Gay Meadows

Resolved - Neutral - Providing it conforms with planning and building regulations (unanimous)


- 21/02742/FUL – Two storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory @ Cherry Tree Farm, Stockton Lane

Resolved - Neutral - Providing it conforms with planning and building regulations (unanimous)


22/89     To discuss the Stockton-on-the-Forest Play Area:

Cllr Dun had conducted the inspections – very wet, but tidy

Cllr  Sawyers would conduct the inspection next month


22/90     To discuss matters raised with/by representatives of following outside bodies:

Rights of Way, The signs were still missing and would be chased up

Foss Internal Drainage Board,  There was a recent meeting, but nothing relevant to parish discussed

North Yorkshire Police – Report circulated by email was noted

Stockton Hall Hospital – The Parish Council would ask when the village liaison meetings would recommence.




22/91     To report any new correspondence received by the council:               

-          Broadband for the village hall – The Parish Council discussed this at length with Nick Bentley and agreed to forward the grant application policy and application  form to the Village Hall Committee.

-          Land Registry Search – The Parish Council discussed this at length and it was agreed that Cllr Crossley would speak to the property owner.

-          Now Pensions – The Parish Council noted the content of the letter and would try to obtain guidance about moving the pension to NEST


22/92     To receive matters raised by members:                                                                                              Hedges/Cherry Tree Farm – The Parish Council would write to ask that the hedges not yet cut back could be done ASAP

                Bench opposite Cherry Tree Farm – The Parish Council would ask Deans for a quote for the supply/fitting of a replacement bench, as the current bench was rotten

                Parish Charter – The Parish Council would ask to be included in CYC consultations, which it is currently left out of due to not been a member of YLCA


22/93     To discuss matters raised by City of York Ward Councillors:

Cllr Doughty and Fisher reported –

·         Hopefully, the footpath between the Village and Barr Lane, would be done in 2023

·         The potholes on the flyover had been reported

·         The fly-tipping on Barr Lane had been reported

·         A watching brief would be kept on the trees/bushes along Holtby Lane, who it was feared would obscure signage


22/94     To discuss matters raised with/by Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer:

-               Bookkeeping current year to date – The Cllrs received a bank reconciliation totalling £42286.94, along with and income & expenditure report

                -               Financial Management:

- To conduct internal control checks – These were conducted and everything was found in order.

- Budget/Precept 2022/23  -  Resolved – A precept of £8500.00, along with an expenditure budget totalling £8500.00 was approved

-               Payment approval - None


22/95     To confirm the dates of the future meetings as:

23Feb22, 30Mar22, 27Apr22, 25May22, 29Jun22, 27Jul22, 31Aug22, 28Sep22, 26Oct22, 30Nov22, 14Dec22