Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (PC) held in Earswick Village Hall on 16th May 2022.


Present            Chairman:                                        D Jones                                                                    

                         Councillors:                                      A Bell                       

                                                                                    P Leveson

                                                                                  G Offler

                                                                                    E Dowsett


                                  Clerk:                                               B O’Connor


Members of the Public Present:-  1



1.            Election of Chairman


Councillor Jones opened the meeting as current chairman and invited nominations for the position of Chairman.  Councillor Jones was nominated and seconded by councillors present.  Councillor Wiseman was nominated as Vice Chairman in her absence and this proposal was seconded. 


2.            Chairman and Vice Chairman to Sign Declarations Of Office


Councillor Jones signed the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Councillor Wiseman, prior to the meeting, agreed to sign the Vice Chairman’s Declaration of Office on her return from holiday.      Action: BOC


3.            Apologies for Absence


Cllr Wiseman


4.            Review of delegation arrangements to the Parish Clerk for emergency expenditure and planning applications


The Parish Council (PC) agreed that the current arrangements should remain in place i.e. the Clerk is able to authorise expenditure up to £500 for emergencies, and he is able to notify City of York Council of the PC’s decisions on planning applications after consulting Councillors. 


5.            Review of the Terms of Reference (TORs) for committees/working parties


All working parties have been dissolved – their work reached natural conclusions.


6.            Nominations of representatives to existing committees/groups


a. The following were elected onto the listed committees/groups:

·         Foss Internal Drainage Board – Cllr Sian Wiseman;

·         Ward Committee – Any Cllr can attend;

·         Yorkshire Local Council Assn – Cllr Sian Wiseman, Cllr Pat Leveson & Cllr Eleanor Dowsett.

·         It was agreed that we do not need to appoint a Data Protection Officer

b. The Parish Council agreed to continue supporting membership of the Society of Local Council Clerks.

c. The Parish Council (PC) agreed not to create further working parties at this stage.


7.            Review of standing orders and financial regulations


The Parish Council had updated their Standing Orders in line with the National Association of Local Council’s Standing Orders in July 2018. Updates were required as at May 2022 to reflect the Council’s use of on-line banking/payments. These changes were accepted


8.            Review of arrangements, including any charters, with other local authorities and review of contributions made to expenditure incurred by other local authorities.


CYC are understood to have agreed a charter with all Parish Councils. The Clerk was asked to contact YLCA to seek confirmation of its status. Action BOC The PC has no arrangements with other local authorities.


9.            Review of the Fixed Asset Register


The 2022-23 Fixed Asset Register, which had been circulated to the PC and the Internal Auditor prior to the meeting, was agreed.


10.          Establishing or reviewing the Council’s complaints procedure


The PC procedure on the PC’s website www.earswick.org under ‘Documents’ and Miscellaneous’ but needs updating as it still refers to CYC, and implies meetings will be in public. Section 14 of the Standing Orders also needs updating in line with the above. Cllr Wiseman and the Clerk to review and amend. Action: BSW/BOC


11.          Establishing or reviewing the Council’s procedures for handling requests made under Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998


The procedures are contained within the PC’s Standing Orders but the policies referred to need documenting. Action: AB/ED/BOC


12.          Establishing or reviewing the Council’s procedures for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)


The Parish Council has an agreed privacy policy on its website under Documents/Miscellaneous/Earswick Parish Council Privacy Policy. Section 11 of the standing Orders needs to be reviewed to include a data retention policy. Action: AB/ED/BOC


13.          Establishing or reviewing the Council’s policy for dealing with the press/media


The procedures are contained within the PC’s Standing Orders.  Wording along the lines of ‘Cllrs will make no comments to the press.  The Clerk will answer any press queries after consultation with the PC.’ need to be added to the Standing Orders sect 22. Action: AB/ED/BOC


14.          Reviewing or setting the dates, times and place of meetings of the

Parish Council


Parish Council meetings for 2022-3 will be held on the following dates starting at 7.30pm in the Earswick Village Hall unless otherwise stated:


·          11th July 2022                 

·         12th September 2022 

·         21st November 2022.                         

·         9th January  2023

·         13th March  2023


The meeting closed at 7.25 pm




