An Extraordinary Meeting Of Earswick Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Monday 28th March 2022 in Earswick Village Hall starting at 7:00pm  


Members of the Public are not permitted to speak at the Parish Council meeting unless they have notified the Clerk in writing at least two clear days prior to the meeting that they wish to speak on a specific business item on the agenda. 


                                          Parish Council Meeting Agenda


1.    To receive apologies for absence.

2.    To receive declarations of interests in items on the agenda, and any other declarations.

3.    To agree the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th March 2022.

4.    Andy Smith, NYPolice to come and talk to the PC and residents re: potential ASB starting again now the lighter nights are coming.




Barry O’Connor

Clerk to Earswick Parish Council 

16 March 2022