Minutes of the meeting of Earswick Parish Council, held in Earswick Village Hall on Monday 14th March 2022.

Councillors present:                     D Jones

                                                            G Offler                                                                     

                                                            BS Wiseman

                                                            P Leveson

                                                            A Bell

                                                            E Dowsett


Parish Clerk:                                    B O’Connor


Members of public present: 1


1.    Apologies for absence

Ward Cllr Tony Fisher


2.    Declarations of Interest and Any Other Declarations



3.    Minutes of Previous Meetings

The minutes for the Parish Council (PC) meeting, held on the 10th January 2022, were approved as accurate records by the Councillors and signed.


4.    Ward Councillors’ Reports

Ward Cllr Doughty gave a report at the meeting


5.    Clerk’s Report

The following pre-authorised payments (incl VAT where appropriate) have been made from either the RBS or Barclays bank a/c since the Parish Council (PC) meeting on 10th January 2022:-

·         J Fisher – stationery - £25.51

·         J Fisher’s salary for January & February 2022;

·         G Durrant (Domestic Chores): £120 (Dec); £150 (Jan);

·         Huntcatchkill PCS Ltd Mole removal - £120;

·         British Gas payments for the Village Hall - £122.11 & £148.14

·         E-ON Next payments for the Village Hall - £33.93 & £43.66

·         D & J Stead – flailing - £162

·         Steel & Maw – willow tree maintenance - £1,255

·         YLCA – job advert - £15

·         SLCC membership - £112


£1,000 was transferred from the RBS account into the new Barclays account and from that account the following payments have been made:

·         G Durrant (Domestic Chores): (Feb)                              £120

·         M Harland                                                                           £114

·         Mole removal                                                                      £120

·         J Fisher – backdated salary increase from April 2021

·         J Fisher – telephone expenses -                                     £45.83

·         River Foss Society membership -                                   £28

·         P Leveson – reimburse for shredding service/bags - £48


The following amounts have been received by the PC into the RBS a/cs since reported at the meeting on 10th January 2022:


·         £0.15 RBS interest to 31.01.2022

·         VAT Rebate £4,773.85

·         Village Hall booking 2 x £60


The PC has received £129 into the Village Hall Fund NatWest account for since 10 January 2022.


6.    Ratification of Expenditure Items

The following items of expenditure were ratified:

                            i.        £48 to B O’Connor for purchase storage boxes for contents of metal filing cabinet and other documents to be stored in the Village Hall loft

                           ii.        £30.00 to YLCA for training for B O’Connor

                          iii.        £48 incl VAT to P Leveson for purchase of shredding bags/service to shred documents securely

                         iv.        £28.65 To reimburse J Fisher for ink for printer


7.    Planning Applications

The Clerk used delegated powers to record no objections from the Parish Council on the following planning application:

·         21/02809/FUL 11 The Garden Village York YO32 9TP Single storey rear extension (retrospective)


The following application (22/00129/FUL Hall Farm Strensall Road York YO32 9SW Removal of condition 4 of permitted application 18/01979/FUL to allow use of caravans by persons not engaged in equestrian based holidays) was discussed. 5 Parish Councillors objected and 1 abstained. The objection is because the application goes against the original condition of approval that the caravans would be used for equestrian based holidays only Action BOC   


City of York Council (CYC) has approved the following planning applications:

·         21/02666/FUL 37 Earswick Chase Earswick York YO32 9FZ: Erection of wooden garden office/gymnasium – retrospective. Agreed with some conditions

·         21/00194/FUL, APP/C2741/W/21/3282402 - Land at Shilton Garth Close, Earswick, York YO32 9SQ. The appeal was allowed

·         20 Lock House Lane ‘Garden Office’ – retrospective planning application now required


Queries are pending with the Planning Dept on the following properties:

·         Buildings in field behind 112 Strensall Rd


8.    Interpretation Of Earswick Neighbourhood Plan

The matter was discussed as a result of issues arising from the planning application related to the Land at Shilton Garth (see above). It was agreed that we need no further action until York’s Local Plan is finalised.


9.    Monthly Equipment Check

A check was carried out by Cllr Offler and papers circulated prior to the meeting. The metal rope on a piece of the children’s play equipment still needs replacing.  The PC agreed to look into replacing the metal rope and to investigate Strensall Ward funding       Action: PL


10. Bus Shelter Lease

The matter was discussed. Cllr Jones proposed that we should renew the lease for a period of 7 years at a cost of £100 p.a. This was unanimously agreed. The clerk was asked to provide the solicitor with contact details of Cllr Jones & Cllr Wiseman who will sign the lease. Action BOC


11. Letter From Resident About Fly-Tipping

The letter was discussed and it was agreed that the clerk should write to the author saying that the matter has been investigated and it was decided that no further action is seen to be necessary.  . Action: BOC


12. Tennis Court Related Matter

The matters were discussed and the following were agreed:

·         Cllr Leveson proposed that weextend the contract with Sports Surfacing Solutions for a further 3 years (starting 23/3/23) at a cost of £1,037.76 incl VAT. This was unanimously agreed

·         It was agreed that for 2022-3 that we would set the annual membership fees for Residents of Earswick to £30 and for Non-residents to £55

·         It was agreed not to hire out the courts for coaching sessions. The clerk to reply to this effect Action BOC

·         It was agreed to use the tennis application for membership forms, and tennis rules.

·         The clerk was asked to put up notices and to write to existing members so that they can re-join if they wish. Action BOC           


13. On-line Banking

The clerk provided a progress report on the use of the Barclays account which provides on-line services. The further transfer of business to this account was discussed and the following were agreed:

·         To keep open the 2 RBS accounts and the Nat-West VH account until we are sure safe to close them

·         To transfer into the Barclays account from the RBS instant access a sum of £17,000 (leaving about £3100 in the RBS account)

·         To transfer into the Barclays account from the Nat West/VH account a sum of £5,600 (leaving about £85 in the VH account)

·         To transfer into the Barclays account from the RBS/Tennis account a sum of £5,000 (leaving about £250 in the Tennis account)

·         To arrange for the precept to be paid into the Barclay account but if it goes into the old account we can transfer it to the Barclays account

·         To arrange for the interest from the PC’s 3 savings accounts to be paid into the Barclay account

·         To arrange for existing standing orders & direct debits to start using the Barclays account

·         To arrange for VH hirers and tennis club members to use online payments to put the money directly into the Barclays account

·         To pay Barclays £8.50/month bank charges after August

·         If recipient not recognised when setting up an online payment then the initial payment should be £1

This was fully agreed. Action BOC to arrange


14. Asset Register Review

As a result of a review of VH assets, it was agreed to add over £9,000 worth of items to the PC’s asset register. It was also agreed to write off the following; metal filing cabinet; ITB Verbatim desktop storage; 9 year old HP Laptop and MS office installed on it, and update the asset register accordingly There were also several items on the informal list of assets that we no longer have.


15. Neighbourhood Watch and No Cold Calling signs

The matter was discussed. Cllr Leveson will make the necessary arrangements to get signs cleaned Action PL          


16. Installation of Bat / Bird Boxes On Parish Council Land

The matter was discussed. It was agreed that we would work with the resident to install bird boxes in suitable locations, but we would not install bat boxes. Action GO


17. Smart Meter At Village Hall

The matter was discussed. It was agreed that we should look to install a smart meter at the VH. assuming that the VH having its own wi-fi is not a prerequisite. Action BOC


18. Work for the St Nick’s group of volunteers

The matter was discussed. Cllr Offler was asked to follow up and get more details on the scope & cost of any work where it may be suitable for the St Nick’s group to do on the PC’s behalf. Action GO


19.  Councillor Vacancy

The clerk was asked to contact CYC and follow the process to advertise for a new Cllr. Action BOC


20. A1237 Development

The matter was discussed but no further information is available regarding the changes to the ring road although the Parish Council understand that planning approval  is to be sought in April


21. Bald Patch On Football Pitch

The matter was discussed. It was agreed that we would look to re-seed the appropriate areas. Cllr Offler to arrange. Action: GO


22. Pre-Authorised Expenditure List For 2022-3

The list was discussed and it was agreed that it would be implemented for the 2022-3 financial year – see attached.


23. Correspondence Concerning Potential Siting Of Crossing On Strensall Road

The matter was discussed. Cllr Jones mentioned that there is a meeting on-site on Wednesday 16th March at 13:00. Cllr Jones agreed to attend but other Cllrs would be welcome to better understand residents’ concerns.  Action DJ


24. POS Walkabout/Inspection

The matter was discussed. It was agreed that we should get some volunteers to thin out the trees near the footpath to the Village Hall Action GO


25. Parish Charter Between CYC & Earswick PC

The matter was discussed. Cllrs were asked to read it


26. NALC Code Of Conduct

The matter was discussed. Cllr Wiseman reported that we have compared it with our existing one and it was agreed that there should be no change.


27. Items For Information/Cllr Reports

The coffee morning raised funds and have sent £120 in support of Ukraine  



The meeting closed at 9:00 pm.



B O’Connor

Clerk To Earswick Parish Council