You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held in
                the Folk Hall on 20 June, 2022.  Business will commence at 19.00 hours.


                In view of the personal nature of the business about to be transacted under agenda
                item 8, the Council may decide to exclude the public temporarily from the meeting.


                1     Notices of the meeting, Receipt of Apologies and Approving Reasons for
                2     To Receive Declarations of Interest on any Items on the Agenda
                3     To Receive Reports on Police Matters including
                        A  Monthly Update
                        B Publication of Police and Crime Plan and Fire and Rescue Plan for
                        C  Consultation on Risk Management Plan Relating to Fire Cover
                        D  Attendance at Crime Commissioner Meeting

                4     To Approve the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on
                       16 May, 2022
                5     Membership of the Council – Co-option to Casual Vacancies

                6     To Consider Any Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

                       A  JRHT Response Relating to Tree Works in New Earswick
                       B  Update on Outstanding Environmental Matters Raised with JRHT

               7     To Receive Correspondence Since the Previous Meeting Other Than That
                       Circulated for Information
                       A  COYC – Examination into the Soundness of the City of York Council Local
                       Plan - Phase 3
                       B  YLCA – Invitation to Nominate Interested Councillors to be Substitute
                       Members of the COYC Standards Committee
                       C  YLCA - The New Council for North Yorkshire
                       D  YLCA – Conference – 23 September – Holiday Inn Leeds/Wakefield

                8    Proposed Changes to Office Accommodation

                9    Planning Consultation
                      22/00974/FUL – Crompton Farm, Haxby Road, New Earswick YO32 3HH

                      Single Storey Rear Extension, Porch and Infill Extensions to Front, First Floor
                      Extension by means of Lifting Existing Roof with 2 no. Dormers and 2 no. Roof
                      Lights to Front and 2 no. Dormers and 1 no. Balcony to Rear and Changes to Some
                      Existing Doors and Fenestration










               10   Update from the Finance Committee

               11   Update on Jubilee Events
               12   Recycling Initiative Including School Competition Prizes


               13  To Approve the Payments Listed Below

                     Transfer from Reserve to Current Account                       4000.00 (12.4.22)

                     Precept                                                                            14000.00 (4.5.22)
                     VAT Refund                                                                         752.74 (18.5.22)


                    A  Salary (May)                                                                 673.35 (20.5.22)
                    B  Petty Cash                                                                      50.00 (20.5.22)
                    C  Complete Business Solutions                                        41.70 (20.5.22)
                    D  Yorkshire Internal Audit Services                                 340.00 (20.5.22)
                    E  Joseph Rowntree Foundation (Meeting Room Hire)      85.00 (20.5.22)
                    F  Pinnacle Web Design                                                    568.80 (6.6.22)
                    G  Petty Cash                                                                      50.00 (6.6.22)
                    H  Joseph Rowntree Foundation (Room Hire)                  786.00 (6.6.22)

                    I   Salary (June)                                                                 673.55

                    J  HMRC                                                                            602.83
                    K  Information Commissioner                                              40.00


             14  Items for the Next Meeting




             Signed ________________________ Clerk 13 June, 2022



















Sally Bruckshaw

Clerk to the Parish Council

The Folk Hall, New Earswick, York YO32 4AQ

Telephone 07391 665639