Title: Logo - Description: Department for EducationMultiply logo                                                       



Investment plan template (England)

May 2022


For Mayoral Combined Authorities, the Greater London Authority, and upper tier/unitary local authorities outside of these areas in England



About this document 3

Section A: Multiply intervention summary  4

Section B: Strategic fit 5

Section C: High level delivery timeline  6

Section D: Evidence of need and demand  7

Section E: Engaging learners  8

Section F: Measuring success  9

Section G: Stakeholder management 10

Section H: Risks  11

Section I: Capacity and Capability  12

Section J: Declaration of the Chief Executive of the lead local authority  13



About this document

In conjunction with this template, please refer to the Multiply investment prospectus and technical guidance for England available here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/multiply-funding-available-to-improve-numeracy-skills

Investment plans are invited from the Greater London Authority, all Mayoral Combined Authorities, and upper tier/unitary authorities outside of these areas in England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should refer to the wider UKSPF investment framework

Please ensure you complete this template in full and submit by 30th June 2022 by emailing Multiply.investmentplans@education.gov.uk

Once investment plans are approved, provisional allocations will be signed off, grant agreements will be put in place incorporating information included in this investment plan and first payments made in autumn 2022.

At the end of the 2022-23 and 2023-24 financial years, areas will submit an annual progress report, and a revised investment plan for subsequent years of Multiply provision. This should take on board learning achieved through local delivery, peer to peer support networks and engagement events. It should align with the updated menu of interventions and any new guidance issued each year by the Department for Education.

For further information or to discuss a proposal ahead of submission please contact DfE at Multiply.investmentplans@education.gov.uk

Please note that information provided on this form, including personal information, may be subject to publication or disclosure in accordance with the access to information regimes, primarily the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998.

We have suggested word counts for questions as an approximation but will allow some flexibility and will not apply the word count rigidly. We don’t anticipate investment plans to be longer than 25 pages. We won’t accept additional attachments beyond the return of this document and the accompanying Excel spreadsheet.

1.    Who are the local authority representatives for Multiply (name, email, telephone)?

Multiply lead: Paul Cliff / paul.cliff@northyorks.gov.uk / 07890055217

Financial / Accounting Officer:

Richard Flinton, Chief Executive North Yorkshire County Council

Ian Floyd, Chief Operating Officer City of York authority


Section A: Multiply intervention summary

2.    In the accompanying spreadsheet, please provide a high-level summary of the interventions to deliver Multiply in your local area, along with related output indicators and required budget?


3.    If you have described any Multiply provision in Section A that does not fit the menu of interventions, what is your rationale for proposing this additional intervention? We will consider this proposal against the aims of the Multiply programme. You can answer “None” for this question. (Approx. 250 words)

We are keen to create an innovation fund, not earmarked initially against any of the 9 interventions. This fund will be managed, with bids considered by the board appointed to oversee Multiply. Engagement with a range of organisations will be essential to the success. Identifying the places where groups of individuals come together, or to tease out the key interaction points will take time. To potentially earmark all funds towards the tried and tested will limit the innovation that is necessary to unpick the ‘golden thread’ of engagement that will be the key to unlocking the potential of York and North Yorkshire’s residents. By innovating we will be ensuring that funds and not crossover or displace existing funded provision.

By creating an innovation fund that is held by the Multiply board will allow us to support the development of this practice. With a principle of ‘pass it on’ embedded through the project ethos this will then support more organisations to stimulate more people to engage with number.

This approach will support ‘best value’ commissioning principles as we can flex this as more organisations come on board and as we see the impact of the other planned initiatives, this will ensure that spend is maximised

4.    Please confirm and explain how your Multiply provision is in addition to and does not duplicate or offset fully funded maths courses delivered through the Adult Education Budget statutory entitlement, or other government funded maths provision.  (Approx. 250 words)

The strong intention in the use of this funding is to support progression on to provision that will upskill / reskill individuals to address the significant skills shortages in the region. Additional to this will be to use the experiences of the provider base to test delivery and engagement methods with different demographics.

Although activity has been impacted by the pandemic traditionally spend of AEB and Community Learning funding has matched the grants received by providers. Although we are in a recovery phase after the pandemic, it is expected that next academic year will see a return to the pre - pandemic levels shown below:

  ESFA Data Cube from York and North Yorkshire LEP Analysis of Adult Education Budget (AEB) funded provision in York and North Yorkshire July 2020 –Updated

This provision, as can be seen in the table from same report below, already supports significant numbers with basic skills with the largest proportion (around 64%) of this in Maths.

The other largest volume of this work is in individuals engaging in a range of community learning provision, this provision incorporating family learning engages large numbers of individuals, providing vital gateway activity and supporting community engagement, cohesion, reduction of rural isolation and the important improvement in mental health and wellbeing. As this funding is regularly used it is important that it is not displaced, but it is also clear that its aim and reach must be more closely aligned with local skills strategies and that the engagement demographic must be broadened as can be seen from the graphic below from the YNYLEP report on Community Learning participation.

When age and gender demographics are considered clear groups can be identified in the current use of the AEB funding strands, again from the YNYLEP report on AEB spend.

We will use Multiply funding to attempt to flatten these curves, but will also use the funding to ensure that those engaged with learning are able to develop their confidence in the use of number and to pass on the importance of that skill to others in their families and communities.

5.    Please briefly set out how you have considered the FE workforce needs (e.g. classroom, tutoring) for Multiply. How will you ensure Multiply workforce needs will not be at the detriment of other programmes you are delivering (e.g. under the AEB statutory entitlements)? Please note, FE workforce investment should support delivery of Multiply provision and should not be a standalone intervention. (Approx. 250 words)

Initial audit of local providers has indicated that capacity exists to support Multiply initiatives of the 14 providers responding to the initial engagement 93% indicated workforce capacity to support the initiative. The providers that are lacking in capacity are those heavily engaged in the AEB provision that Multiply has the potential to displace and funding should be used to enhance this capability, particularly in laying down the foundations of post-Multiply legacy.

The engagement and drive for the York and North Yorkshire initiative will be seeking to maximise the opportunities for organisations not currently engaged with funded delivery to deliver the necessary outcomes. This will require training, co-ordination and quality assurance but will greatly increase the delivery capacity without having an adverse impact on other funded provision.

What will be key will be the places were face-face delivery will take place, again the aim is to take Multiply into communities and utilise community spaces rather than displace other funded activity.

We will also be seeking to increase the embedding of number and number principles into existing provision that already attracts learners. This ‘soft touch’ approach will again increase capacity without displacing the provision. The development of resources that will seamlessly do this will again offer a better value approach in the use of funds.

Section B: Strategic fit

6.    How does the proposed Multiply provision strategically fit with your local priorities, coordinating where possible with wider skills and employment interventions in local areas (for example through Local Skills Improvement Plans), and interventions funded through the broader UKSPF (e.g. in district council investment plans) or other programmes? (Approx. 500 words)

Expectations on the post 16 education sector have never been greater, with the focus of national policy firmly fixed on the sector as a cornerstone of post Covid-19 recovery. The ‘Skills for Jobs – Lifelong Learning for Opportunity and Growth’ whitepaper published in January 2021 laid out a bold ambition to place employer skills needs at the heart of the post-16 system and to empower individuals to use learning to progress into work and in the workplace to higher paid and higher skilled jobs. The provision of the right types of adult learning are seen as a key cornerstone of the policy and the importance of community level education is stressed, but the context stresses the importance of progression to higher level qualifications and in offering provision that meets local and national skills needs. The most effective use of Multiply within York and North Yorkshire in line with these aims must be based upon engagement and effective IAG led progression.

An education landscape that is driven by the skills needs of employers is essential for economic development. The importance of this is set out in the Skills Strategy devised by York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership, (YNYLEP) through its co-ordination of the Skills and Employability Board and is mirrored in the 10-year skills plan of the City of York.  Taking the cross region higher level strategy as lead there four key ambitions:

·         Young people are equipped to make quality decisions about education, training and careers

·         Employers have the skills to grow inclusive and productive workplaces where everyone can achieve their potential

·         The local skills market meets the needs of local businesses in a dynamic economy

·         Communities are empowered by learning and skills that enable everyone to participate fully in society

Whilst Multiply cannot directly impact on ambition 1, by garnering greater understanding of opportunities through supporting a greater range of adults we can impact this, creating more community based skills advocates.

The YNYLEP report on community learning and its companion reports, ‘Analysis of Adult Education Budget (AEB) funded provision in York and North Yorkshire – June 2020’, ‘Digital Skills in York & North Yorkshire: An Assessment of Supply and Demand – April 2021’ and ‘Upskilling and Reskilling across York and North Yorkshire – Stakeholder and Provider perspectives – March 2021’ paint a picture of an educational landscape that has the intention to meet the demands of the community but a failure to engage individuals in the breadth of learning experiences necessary to meet the aims of skills strategy. The reports stress the disconnect between the majority of adults and the skills. Engagement from adults tends to be in general, (some exceptions exist) low level in FE institutions when compared to provision for 16-18 year olds or is very targeted with large groups of employed individuals under the legal entitlements.  National and local strategy is, by design, based upon the needs of employers, local economies and future jobs markets. The YNYLEP digital skills report however details that there is a clear disconnect. ‘There is a gap between digital skills needs in the community, and the extent to which these are translated into demand for learning. Lack of confidence, fear of the unknown, and “not knowing what you don’t know” contribute to this, and learning is likely to revolve around informal routes.’ Although this statement relates specifically to digital skills it should be similarly applied across the whole adult learning provision. Multiply must seek to provide a solution to this.

By funding innovative ways to reach a wider demographic Multiply can set an effective gateway to many of the UKSPF initiatives to follow. Maximising engagement and throughput to the strategic outputs of the skills plans, will support many of the UKSPF in levelling up disparities in the county where clear disparities exist between those with qualifications and those without.

Section C: High level delivery timeline

7.    Please provide an outline of your high-level delivery timeline including major milestones and planned partnerships with local education providers, employers, and other local touchpoints


Multiply provision

Delivery partners

Major milestones





Adult Learning Providers, FE Colleges , Charity and Voluntary providers


Appointment of Operations Manager and partnership lead


August 2022

Recruitment shared across York and North Yorkshire

Recruitment of Governance Board

September 2022

Shared Governance arrangements

Engagement events for Providers and potential providers

August 2022

Will be combination of virtual and face-face activity


Recruitment of partners and due diligence

Late August 2022

Preferred supplier route


Expression of interest for delivery of key events

September / October 2022



Commence Delivery

November 2022



Courses designed to help people use numeracy to manage their money.

Adult Learning Providers, FE Colleges , Charity and Voluntary providers


Development of resources to commence using authority adult learning service and key partners

August 2022

This work to plan to start in house originally as lower risk

Promotion activity around key initiatives planned

September 2022

Will require appointment of board and key roles to sign off

Programme delivery to start

October 2022



Courses designed to increase confidence with numbers for those needing the first steps towards formal numeracy qualification

Adult Learning Providers, FE Colleges , Charity and Voluntary providers, employers


Identification of key programmes that could be enhanced with number and funding amount required per provider


September 2022

This will be existing planned provision that could be enhanced

Working group set up for development of resources and initial plans outlined

September 2022

Cross partnership teams developing common resources to support embedding and develop the micro-course materials

Bite size resources complete and ready for roll out

November 2022

Partnership team to have employer groups ready for pilot

Innovation funding



Board appointed and principles for awarding set out


September 2022





Calls for first batch of funding and initial awards

November 2022




Section D: Evidence of need and demand

8.    Please describe why improving adult functional numeracy (aiming to teach the numeracy skills that are needed in daily life and the workplace) matters to your local area. You should refer to specific characteristics of your local area in your answer and include supporting evidence - especially quantitative forms of evidence where available. (Approx. 250 words)

The table below show the four biggest sectors in the York & North Yorkshire LEP (YNY). Based on the Working Futures Study, the sector with the lowest prospects is Manufacturing, forecast to see a 10% reduction in employment by 2027. With manufacturing forecast to see a significant decrease by 2027, some districts (such Selby and Ryedale) are considerably more vulnerable with between 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 workers employed in the manufacturing sector.

The chart below shows the proportion of the YNY workforce employed by sectors that are forecast to see growth or decline by 2027. Across the LEP, over have of employees are engaged in sectors that will see decline, increasing in Hambleton, Ryedale and Selby. Given the importance of functional numeracy in developing reasoning and logical thinking skills, it is key to unlocking people’s potential to adapt to an increasing skilled-sector led marker.

Given the vulnerability of the workforce in LEP as a whole (1 in 10 employed in Manufacturing, and over half in sectors that are forecast to see decline) and certain Districts more specifically in terms of future-proofing employment and skills, improving functional numeracy has the potential to become a cornerstone for upskilling the workforce. Reflective of a need to upskill the workforce, around two-thirds of employers have upskilling needs in the LEP, with functional numeracy skills being highlighted as an area for development.

In addition to this there is a correlation between the level of qualification and the average earnings: The first shows the Median basic wage of the 16-64 working age population plotted against % Level 1+ and % Level 2+ qualifications. Particularly the Level 1+ qualification shows a clear correlation between lower rates of Qualification and lower wages, particularly in Scarborough & Ryedale.

When this data is considered alongside the YNYLEP Labour Market analysis a further and more pressing need becomes clear. Gross median pay for workers in full-time jobs is £13.29 per hour, this is 87% of the national average of £15.31. As a result the LEP area faces a significant low pay challenge with 22% of jobs paying below the Real Living Wage, rising to 28% in Scarborough and Ryedale; much higher than the national average of 20%. Acute deprivation is not widespread in the LEP area with only 3 per cent of neighbourhoods falling within the 10% most deprived nationally but with rapidly rising costs and pressures on individuals, families and communities the ability to effectively manage finances and to be able to access higher paid roles indicates an acute need for improved numeracy.






9.    Please describe any qualitative or quantitative data you have on local adult numeracy levels (e.g., historic and current participation and achievement, etc) to evidence need and demand. (Approx. 250 words)

Across North Yorkshire as a whole, the outcomes in maths at KS4 has historically been stronger than national. However, at a more localised level, pupil’s taking their GCSEs in Scarborough consistently fall short of the national average – indicating a considerable gap in maths skills amongst young adults in Scarborough.

Whilst across the YNY LEP is ranked second in the north in the proportion of people qualified to at least level 2, at a district level, the need for localised ‘levelling up’ is clear, with Ryedale and Selby all lagging behind the national rate in terms of 16 to 64 year old qualified to NVQ Level 1 or higher. Scarborough just hits the national average, whilst all other areas have notably higher rates than the national average.

Reflected below, in terms of any Qualifications, of the YNY LEP area, Ryedale, Scarborough and Selby all have notably higher rates, with Ryedale peaking at 13% of 16-64 year olds having no Qualifications, followed by Selby at 10.1% and Scarborough at 9.2%. It is well recognised that qualifications are a key indicator of social mobility – and therefore a lack of qualification amongst a considerable proportion of the population has significantly restricted social mobility.

Looking at the wider picture, the Indices of Multiple Deprivation looks at a number of areas, including Education, which measures the lack of attainment and skills in the local population. Overall, whilst a majority of districts (Inc. York) in the LEP have an average rank in the lowest (‘best’) half nationally, Richmondshire falls slightly short of the ‘mid-point’ with an average rank of 151 out of 317 districts/boroughs. Scarborough, however, is significantly lower, ranked 59 with 17% of neighbourhoods in the 10% most deprived nationally in terms of education and skills.

In terms of access to Numeracy Courses, there is some correlation between the areas with the lowest rank in terms of Education, Skills & Training (such as Richmondshire & Scarborough) and enrolment in Numeracy Courses offered through North Yorkshire county councils adult learning service, (ALSS, used as the second highest provider of basic skills qualifications and the largest cross county deliverer). The chart below shows the average number of enrolments by district since 2018/19 with. This would suggest that targeted work can have an impact but also indicates the need to also deliver cross county an initiative that reaches those not previously defined as hard to reach.


10.How does the Multiply provision outlined in section A meet this demand, on top of how existing entitlement is already meeting it, and what does success look like for your local area? (Approx. 250 words)

It is clear that multiply approaches across York and North Yorkshire will have two clear priorities, the ability for individuals, families and communities to effectively use number to be able to gain confidence and stability in trying economic times, but also to engage individuals to overcome previous barriers to learning that have led to non-engagement in the extensive offer provided.

This provision cannot be built on an ‘if you build it they will come footing’ as offers provided by all current AEB delivery partners have been shaped to respond to need and as can be seen from data has resulted in the adult education landscape described.

Multiply in York and North Yorkshire will look to provide routes to engagement that will reduce fear of number and in fact learning. We will utilise the cost of living crisis as a thematic hook to work with targeted communities via voluntary partners, delivery institutions and key partners to increase access and raise opportunity.

Key to that will be the support offered across the Multiply partnership to deliver common messages and well planned independent Information , Advice and Guidance, signposting clear and effectively toward locally agreed progression ladders. Engagement and delivery methods are key and how we are to provide the gateway for Indi duals to feel comfortable to step through can be defined in six groups as shown below, with partnership and development approaches outlined.




Example Approaches

Example Partners

For learners who have no confidence or have not been in education for some time. This is also a suitable starting area for those who have had bad experiences within education

To engage within places that individuals come together, be it schools, clubs, community groups, workplaces, libraries or similar. To use a range of partners around individuals e.g. voluntary organisations and to use non-threatening themed engagement activity such as social media posts, community QR tags or hints and tips on tickets

Adult Learning Services, FE Colleges, Charities, voluntary organisations, cross-authority community partnerships, employers

For learners who have little confidence and have not been in education for some time.

In addition to above - Tasters, online activities, community workshops, co-delivery activity, Hidden maths learning e.g. not explicitly advertised as maths but contains elements of Maths

Adult Learning Services, FE Colleges, Charities, voluntary organisations, cross-authority community partnerships, employers, civic venues

For learners who are still unsure on how they feel about learning and still suffer reduced confidence in themselves but have attended either step 1, 2 or both.

Micro-tasters, flexible delivery, supported coaching and mentoring, IAG led workshops both online and face to face. Workplace linked activity e .g. lunch clubs

Adult Learning Services , FE Colleges, Training Providers, employers, voluntary organisations, cross-authority community partnerships

For learners who have an idea of what they are looking to do but still need to make other steps to achieve it.

Wider skills IAG sessions linked to employment sectors, progression and bite size sessions identifying key areas to develop. Use of digital platform, embedding of numeracy into existing sessions with supportive IAG

Adult Learning Services , FE Colleges, Training Providers,

For learners who are preparing to take the steps towards gaining a qualification

Targeted action planning , supportive bite size activities, cross provider progression ladders

Adult Learning Services , FE Colleges, Training Providers,

Learners who have the ability to learn and know what career path they are looking to follow. They would have gone through IAG throughout their journey and have a career plan in place.


Shared Signposting to most appropriate AEB provider(s) to support next step progression. Provision for learners largely  under AEB entitlement but also offering progression for those who do not meet eligibility criteria e.g. those enrolled in HE programmes

Adult Learning Services , FE Colleges, Training Providers, universities


Success for Multiply in York and North Yorkshire in line with the measurable outputs will see greater levels of engagement in numeracy provision, more co-ordinated progression pathways for learners and a reduction in the qualification disparity. Supporting a broader demographic into learning, through numeracy confidence, in those groups who do not currently engage is also important. If this can be achieved by improving individual confidence and wellbeing through small lifestyle changes, by greater understanding of finance or improved employment or employment progression opportunities then the programme can be deemed to be a success. The creation of firm and lasting partnerships built upon trust and common aims will then be a standing legacy of this intervention.


11.Please describe what you have done to ensure good value for money (e.g., has your plan been reviewed by an economist, have you reviewed local data?). Please also describe what controls you will put in place to ensure that good value for money continues to be achieved throughout the lifetime of the Multiply provision. (Approx. 250 words)

**Note for executive plans will be reviewed by finance teams but key aspects of programme management are still to be determined by the DfE including participant ownership, tracking and whether provision is subject to Ofsted and whose Ofsted it will fall under, these checks will be carried out before the final investment plans are submitted to the DfE**

Plans have been checked by the financial management team at North Yorkshire County Council to ensure that these are in line with best value principles.

The project will have dedicated operational manager who will oversee operations are in line with the budgets set for each activity. This individual will be accountable to multiply board containing key local stakeholders.

The expectation and plans for Multiply across York and North Yorkshire will aim to utilise current capacity were possible to support the engagement activity and will look at integration by extension of aspects of provision.

By managing a joint coordinated plan under a single operational lead we will further seek to reduce duplication and support consistency to drive efficiency.

Procurement of partners will be on a preferred supplier approach preventing loss of funding through complex sub-contracting arrangements that may actually prevent engagement with the community and voluntary sector. This will enable funding to be project lead and support attainment of outputs rather than ring-fencing funding on a provider by provider basis requiring complex virement arrangements should aims not be achieved.

Finally the innovation fund will seek costed but viable proposals for consideration by the board with value being one of the determining factors alongside social impact and diversity of participants. 

The YNYLEP conducted research into the impact of the European Structural and Investment fund across the region and within it cited a number of best practice principles for the successful planning of future initiatives these will be used as a cornerstone of governance and best value, key principles being:

·         Reduce bureaucracy to a minimum to streamline provision and keep management costs as low as possible.

·         Invest time in planning and research before commissioning to avoid duplication and ensure that provision aligns with existing activity.

·         Contracting must be simple with a one body responsible for performance management, financial control and strategic steer.

·         Undertake procurement processes within one-year timescales to ensure relevance and timeliness of contracts and outputs when delivery starts.

·         Reflect all strategic outcomes desired within paid outputs to ensure they are achieved.

·         Tried and tested interventions should be the first option with contracts let for at least three years. Test innovative provision with a limited budget and over a short timeframe.

·         Invest resources in partnerships and collaboration as they are the single most important factor in successful contracts.

·         Contract models that include trusted Key Workers who build a lasting relationship with participants are more likely to succeed.

·         A delivery model with the client at the centre is more likely to achieve the strategic outcomes sought than a model which focusses on other contractual requirements such as financial incentives for challenging outputs.

Section E: Engaging learners

12.Which cohorts of learners will be hardest to reach? How do you intend to maximise the reach of the programme and make sure Multiply provision engages those learners that are hardest to reach (e.g., communications; reaching out to people via employers, ‘touch points’ such as housing and other community groups)?(Approx. 300 words)

As detailed in question 4 and below in York and North Yorkshire engagement with Adult Learning provision is skewed toward a 31-49 age group and a largely white female demographic with good levels of engagement with these groups, however research would suggest that those accessing training are more likely to be those with higher levels of qualifications with YNYLEP reporting that of those accessing training it is a minority of learners (37%) who lack formal qualifications below Level 2.

The same study into the use of the Adult Education budget highlights that York and North Yorkshire has a relatively small ethnic minority population that accounts for less than 3% of the total adult population but that these groups are much more likely to engage in further training with around 8% of the individuals accessing training being from an ethnic minority background. It is important to note that this data is pre-pandemic and pre-Brexit so dynamics of these communities are likely to have changed but due to the nature of recent re-settlement interventions large proportions of those communities who are coming into the region will have access to ESOL interventions often leading to further AEB linked activity.

If we consider engagement with training by region, there are strong areas of engagement and those areas with high levels of need, such as those individuals who are unemployed, are actually well served already by targeted provision.

This suggests that community outreach is particularly effective in those areas with multiple needs such as Scarborough and areas of York. As a result areas of disadvantage are one method of targeting the funding, possibly learning from areas well supported, but that those identified often as ‘hard to reach’ within York and North Yorkshire are possibly easier to reach due to multiple agency working  already in place.

To be most effective we must build upon practice with hard to reach communities but actually seek to work with those individuals who are currently in work, on low wages and with low levels of qualifications.

Key to reaching those individuals will be community touch –points, areas were individuals naturally come together and through large employers. Significant will be  ‘pass it on’ word of mouth promotion, coupled with very bite size social media engagement linked to numerical activity such as simple maths puzzles

13. How will you ensure Multiply provision will be available and accessible to a diverse cohort as per Public Sector Equalities Duty (PSED) including those with dyscalculia or other protected characteristics? (Approx. 100 words)

 We will seek to engage with all learners in ways that they feel most comfortable to engage. Those who are already engaged with learning will likely to have already been subject to some levels of screening at enrolment and will likely be offered additional support.

By working directly with groups in the community we will show our openness to engagement with individuals within any protected characteristic and will aim to support those individuals in ways that they feel most comfortable with, engaging low level diagnostic activity and supporting access through use of funding to  provide additional support.

Section F: Measuring success

14.We expect Multiply learner data to be inputted into the Individualised Learner Record (ILR). Describe your approach to data collection, management, and reporting to meet these requirements (Approx. 250 words)

** There is a current lack of clarity from the DfE in terms of what this actually means in practice so answering this question is not possible at this date but will be by June submission**

Scenario 1 all learners will be registered through a single ILR through sub-contracting arrangement, this is high admin demand for input onto reporting systems

Scenario 2 –learners will be registered by providers who have a registered ESFA account requiring tracking by the lead authority to check for compliance and accuracy and to map and track trends

Scenario 3 – a hybrid of the two with large organisations completing own returns but smaller organisations being partnered with larger in locations requiring transfer of administrative funds to large providers

15.What additional data (in addition to the Individualised Learner Record), if any, will you use to measure learner progress and achievement? If you do not have any additional data, you can answer “none”. (Approx. 100 words)

We will aim to see progress from engagement activity to other provision as we see this as a key priority area for the region. We will also seek to measure engagement of individuals linked to prior qualifications and employment status to address the disparity in the use of AEB funding

16.Are there any other local measures of success against your plan that you intend to monitor?  You can answer “not applicable” for this question. (Approx. 100 words)

We will be keen to increase the levels of partnership working between institutions of all types, increasing common approaches to IAG and a greater level of understanding of the adult learning and skills offer across the region to de-mystify access points and encourage enjoyment and progression into learning institutions of all types.

We want to do this to build a strong legacy platform for the intervention and will be seeking to identify what the key barriers to engagement have been up to this point.

Section G: Stakeholder management

17.Which organisations have you engaged with to develop your investment plan, including public sector, private sector, and civil society organisations? How have you engaged these organisations? (Approx. 100 words)

We have engaged with learning providers of all types across York and North Yorkshire via an initial engagement survey. This has helped to shape a picture of the current numeracy provision available. We have done this via the YNYLEP and through the York Learning Providers network. We intend to undertake further work with providers through engagement events as we shape the investment plan.

We have used our intra authority arrangements to develop engagement points with community and voluntary organisations and will seek to reach out further via engagement events as we shape he investment plan but also on an ongoing basis through the innovation funding pot.

Partnership engagement will be an ongoing activity led by the Operations Manager but supported by an engagement team

18.Detail how have you engaged lower tier local authorities, if any, within your local area in the development of your investment plan? You can answer “not applicable” to this question. (Approx. 100 words)


As North Yorkshire County Council is moving to a single tier authority status within a year there have been lots of opportunities through LGR work streams to discuss multiply and as the investment plan develops in parallel with work on UKSPF investment plans this activity by its nature will include the lower tier authorities. York as a unitary authority neighbouring but likely to be part of a devolved MCA are closely linked to this process particularly around skills helping to shape the combined aims of this plan.


Section H: Risks

19.Please set out any key risks including financial and fraud that could affect Multiply delivery. Describe these risks or issues, including the contingency measures you have put in place to mitigate them.



Description of risk

Actions you will take to mitigate

After mitigation what is the likelihood of the risk occurring (High >70%, Possible 70-30%, Unlikely <30%)

After mitigation what would be the impact of the risk materialising? (High: significant impact of unable to deliver, Medium: delivery compromised, Low: Minor / no impact)


Lack of learner engagement

Using multiple engagement points and methods, development of partnership development roles to co-author projects




Provision seen to displace or replace AEB provision

Develop agreed programmes and target groups. Work closely with partners in detail of intervention design. Quality assurance management by Operations Manager reporting to board




Partners over-promising

Use of project led approach will bring on partners to match cohorts / Use of innovation pot approach to match opportunity , need and learners




Digital connectivity impeding access to provision

Ring fencing of funding within each provision intervention to create most appropriate digital access options, e.g. more community IT provision





Section I: Capacity and Capability

20.Do you have dedicated capacity and capability to deliver adult skills interventions and adult education? How many FTE will be working on delivery of Multiply and what functions are being undertaken by those FTE including who will be responsible for data collection, contract management and how you will coordinate delivery? (Approx. 250 words)

**Due to clarity requirements from DfE as previously discussed this is difficult to ascertain exactly. Both authorities have capacity but this will need to be enhanced, providers who have engaged so far suggest they have available capacity and in addition we will be using partners who will support activity with their current teams for  learner benefit**

21.If you have capacity, would you be prepared to take a leading role in a regional peer-to-peer network to share learnings with other local authorities (e.g. host quarterly Multiply sessions, share best practice, etc)? This does not commit you at this stage and we will use this information to develop our learning plans across the Multiply programme. (Approx. 100 words)

We aim to introduce a desiccated Operations manager to co-ordinate the project across both authorities, it is envisaged that this individuals job description will allow this opportunity to be explored

22.Please describe the key capacity and capability challenges (if you have any) for delivering skills interventions. This could include challenges within your local authority (e.g., gaps in areas such as procurement, contract management, communications) and/or in your local delivery system? This information will be used to inform what support could be made available nationally. (Approx. 100 words)


** Again difficult to respond at this stage without the full information available around learner tracking and Ofsted requirements, we have scoped a potential procurement route at North Yorkshire and will discuss having similar for York for consistency**


23.Please describe what further support would help address these challenges? We will use this information to inform what central government support is made available nationally but cannot commit to fund every individual request. (Approx.100 words)

** Again difficult to respond at this stage without the full information available around learner tracking and Ofsted requirements, we have scoped a potential procurement route at North Yorkshire and will discuss having similar for York for consistency**

24.Are there interventions or capability areas where you can partner with other local authorities, providers, or employers in your region? (Approx.100 words)

We are writing this as a joint intervention between York and North Yorkshire authorities to increase efficiencies, we will be seeking to develop a common ‘employer pledge’ to release individuals for training in working time to provide a clear indication to the business community that this can have a positive impact both on productivity but also employee mental health

We will seek to develop similar pledges with other large employers such as NHS trusts to extend this benefit but to show the low risk nature of this to the significant micro and SME community across the county area.

We will be seeking close partnership activity in delivery plans with providers along the six - step model previously discussed. This will require effective partnership to effectively move learners between engagement points and into highest level activity.


Section J: Declaration of the Chief Executive of the lead local authority

As the lead local authority (Greater London Authority, Mayoral Combined Authorities, Upper Tier/Unitary Local Authorities) you will act as the accountable body and submit this application on behalf of your local area. By submitting this investment plan, you confirm:

·         All the information included is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.

·         You have read, and confirm this plan is in accordance with, the expectations set out in the Multiply investment prospectus and technical guidance.

·         Lower tier local authorities within your local area support this application and are committed to work with you.

·         You will comply with the Assurance and Grant management process as outlined in the technical guidance and submit a statement of expenditure at mid-point and end of financial year.

·         You understand that the grant will become repayable and further payments put on hold or reduced, if Multiply outputs are not on track for delivery and/or grant funding is not spent on eligible activities by the mid-point and end of each financial year.

·         You understand that you will be responsible for ensuring data on Multiply learners is submitted through the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and will submit regular monitoring reports as set out in the technical guidance.

·         You will submit an annual progress report including an assurance statement to confirm spend was used wholly for the purposes for which it was given, and a revised investment plan for subsequent years of Multiply provision as set out in the technical guidance.

·         You will support the sharing of learning as requested by the Department for Education – this may involve providing case studies, contributing to webinars and other activity as identified.

·         You will comply with the Public Sector Equalities Duty and put in place equality policies and implementation plans as well as processes for learners to raise complaints about unfair practices or treatment.

·         You will ensure value for money, seeking competitive costs for all activities and complying with the procurement governance as set out by your governing body.


Chief Executive name







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