Shareholder Committee

28 March 2022

Report of the Chief Finance Officer

Yorwaste Ltd Finance Update

Purpose of Report

1.        To consider reports from Yorwaste providing a trading update for the 2021/22 financial year as well as the Business Plan for 2022/23.


2.        Note the reports from Yorwaste Ltd attached at Annex 1 and confidential Annex 2 to this report.

Reason: To ensure the Council is updated on the financial performance of Yorwaste Ltd

Background and analysis

3.        Yorwaste was established as a Local Authority Waste Disposal Company owned fully by North Yorkshire County Council in 1991 to manage the council’s landfill sites. In 1996 as part of Local Government Review City of York Council became a 22.27% shareholder of the company. The company provides services to York relating to Transfer Stations, processing recyclates, garden waste and management and transport of waste at the two Household Waste Sites. They also provide similar services within North Yorkshire County Council. 


4.        The Yorwaste board is made up of council representatives of the two authorities and also independent board members. The representatives from City of York Council are currently Cllr A. Waller and the Corporate Director of Place, Neil Ferris. The company is a Teckal company whereby over 80% of its revenues come from its local authority owners.


5.        The latest trading update for the company is shown at Annex 1. This report also highlights key issues around the Business Plan for 2022/23 as well as challenges facing the company over the coming years


6.        More detailed financial information is provided as part of the private and confidential report as Annex 2.


7.        The annual report and accounts for 2020/21 is shown for information at Annex 3.

Risk Management

8.        There are no specific risk issues arising from this report.


9.        There are no financial, legal, HR, equalities, crime and disorder, information technology, property or other implications arising from this report.



Chief Officer responsible for the report:

Patrick Looker

Head of Service Finance


Debbie Mitchell

Chief Finance Officer


Report Approved



16 March 2022


Wards Affected:  All


For further information please contact the author of the report



Annex 1 – Yorwaste Headline Performance Review

Annex 2 - Yorwaste Headline Performance Review (Confidential).

Annex 3 - 2020-21 Annual Report and Accounts