Project Outline

Project Name

Manor Lane / Shipton Road Improvements

Project Manager

Richard Milligan



Purpose of this Document:

This document summarises key project information to allow a Member decision to be made in support of the current course of action.



The mandate for this project derives from an OIC Director Decision on “Local Cycling and Walking Prioritisation (7/5/20)”


This paper can be found attached as an Annex to the main report.


The text within that report states:


make improvements to the junction to make Manor Lane safer to cross for pedestrians and cyclists


Project Description:

This project aims to address issues for pedestrians and cyclists crossing both Manor Lane and Shipton Road (at Manor Lane). These crossings have large footfalls from school children, meaning it is extremely busy in the morning and early afternoon. This project aims to resolve safety and amenity issues at these crossings.


Currently these crossings do not safely accommodate the heavy footfall from school children at peak times (early morning and early afternoon).

The Manor Lane junction is wide and has very generous kerb radii – in the past large vehicles used the road to access former engineering works, but this has long since been replaced by residential usage.  As a result, vehicles can turn into Manor Lane at speed from Shipton Road. This poses safety threats to active travellers using the road. The pavement is narrow on the south side, meaning it does not safely accommodate vulnerable pedestrians or large volumes of pedestrians. 

Currently the speed limit at the central refuge crossing on Shipton Road is 40mph which, coupled with its relatively  narrow width, introduces risks for any active travellers who may cross here.


By reviewing these crossings, safety and amenity issues could be addressed, encouraging safe active travel and maximising the take up of any improved facilities.


Aims and Objectives:

The Aim of the Project is to:

Resolve safety and amenity issues for active travellers at the Manor Lane / Shipton Lane pedestrian and cyclist crossings.

The Objectives are:


Implement a solution to resolve the safety and amenity issues for active travellers - Feasibility work will determine options for rectifying the existing issues. The ultimate objective is to implement the most appropriate solution.




In Scope:


Geographical location: The two crossings over Manor Lane and Shipton Road (at Manor Lane)


Only the Adopted Highway covering footpath, carriageway, cycleway, or verge that is necessary to implement a solution.


Consideration of civil construction solutions.


Consideration of non-civil construction solutions.


Consideration of traffic signalling solutions.


Consideration of changes to TRO’s and restrictions, including speed limits.


Consideration of any parking restrictions required to implement a solution.


Consideration of LTN 1/20 guidance. Green scoring solutions are preferred, however non green scoring solutions can be considered if they achieve the project objectives.


Consideration of solutions that reduce traffic capacity, where necessary to achieve project objectives.


Out of Scope:


Geographical exclusions:

-      Any section of Shipton Road that is not immediately close to relevant pedestrian crossings

-      Any section of Manor Lane except the junction onto Shipton Road

-      The  cycle route heading East towards Shipton Road from Rawcliffe Bar Park and Ride site

-      The cycle route heading East from the Shipton Road crossing to Clifton Moor


Surfacing of carriageway and footpaths beyond what is necessary to implement a solution.


Improvements to provision of bus or motor vehicle usage beyond the rectification of the identified issue.


Changes to the adopted highway or consideration of solutions that require the resolution of land ownership issues.


Changes to street furniture or improvements to public realm except where required to achieve the objectives.


Consideration of options that would prevent motor vehicles access.


Consideration of solutions that improve public transport operation or infrastructure.



Outcomes and Benefits:

Improved safety at the Manor Lane / Shipton Road crossings. Measured by a comparison of accident data over 5 years post construction.


Increased use of the route by active travellers, measured by a comparison of survey data post construction.


Dependencies and related works:

There are no direct dependencies on this project.


Design Resource Procurement:

A contract is in place with a provider and no further procurement is required to obtain design resource.