Health and Adult Social Care Policy & Scrutiny Committee


2 November 2021

Report of the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board


Report of the Chair of Health and Wellbeing Board


1.      This report provides the Health and Adult Social Care Policy and Scrutiny Committee with an update from the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board (Annex A refers). The Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board will be in attendance at the meeting to present the report.


2.      It was agreed as part of the working protocol between Health and Adult Social Care Policy and Scrutiny Committee and the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) that the Chair of the HWBB would bring a regular update report to this Committee.


3.      Not applicable to this report.


4.      This report is for information, there are no specific options associated with the recommendations in this report.


5.      This report is for information only.




Council Plan

6.      This report directly relates to the ‘good health and wellbeing’ element of the Council Plan 2019-2023. It also relates to the overall ambition of the plan to ‘support a good quality of life for everybody’.

7.      It also has direct links to the joint health and wellbeing strategy 2017-2022 and the all age mental health strategy 2018-2023.


8.      There are no known implications associated with the recommendations in this report.

Risk Management

9.      There are no known risks associated with the recommendations in this report.


10.  Members are asked to note the contents of this report.

Reason: To keep Members of Health and Adult Social Care Policy and Scrutiny Committee up to date with the work of the Health and Wellbeing Board.

Contact Details



Tracy Wallis

Health and Wellbeing Partnership Co-ordinator

Tel: 01904 551714


Sharon Stoltz

Director of Public Health

Approved: 20/10/21







Wards Affected: 





For further information please contact the author of the report

Background Papers:




Annex A – Report of the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board