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Asset management has been widely accepted by central and local government as a means to deliver a more efficient and effective approach to management of highway infrastructure assets through longer term planning, ensuring that standards are defined and achievable for available budgets. It also supports making the case for funding and better communication with stakeholders, facilitating a greater understanding of the contribution highway infrastructure assets make to economic growth and the needs of local communities.

This plan should be read in conjunction with, or at least

with reference to, several other important publications such as:

· Current legislation;

· York’s Highways Policy and Strategy Documents;

· National code of practice published by the UK Road Liaison Group.

This Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (HIAMP) provides an integrated framework for the delivery of highway maintenance services and asset management across the City’s road network and should allow the Council to optimise resource for the management of the highway infrastructure.


1            Introduction. 1

2            Asset Management Framework (UKRLG R1) 3

3            Communication (UKRLG R2) 5

4            Asset Management Policy and Strategy (UKRLG R3) 6

5            Performance Management Framework (UKRLG R4) 7

6            Asset Data Management (UKRLG R5) 14

7            Lifecycle Plans (UKRLG R6) 16

8            Works Programming (UKRLG R7) 20

9            Leadership and Commitment (UKRLG R8) 22

10         Making the case for asset management (UKRLG R9) 23

11         Competencies and Training (UKRLG R10) 25

12         Risk Management (UKRLG R11) 27

13         Asset Management Systems (UKRLG R12) 29

14         Performance Monitoring (UKRLG R13) 30

15         Benchmarking (UKRLG R14) 32





Figure 1 – Asset Management Framework. 3

Figure 2 – Relevant Documents. 4

Figure 3 – Highway Asset Lifecycle Plan Process. 17

Figure 4 – Condition Surveys. 18

Figure 5 – Forward Programme Development. 21

Figure 6 – Highway Asset Management Responsibility. 26

Figure 7 – Risk Management Cycle. 28

1     Introduction

1.1.1      Background Information and Document Structure

This Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (HIAMP) has been developed by the City of York Council, it replaces all previous versions of the Councils Highways Asset Management Plans. The Council is committed to the promotion of the latest standards and best practice through the latest industry guidance.

The HIAMP promotes the latest best practice guidance published by the UK Road Liaison Group (UKRLG). The guidance given by UKRLG in the ‘Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document’ presents fourteen (14) recommendations as the minimum requirement for highways asset management.  The Council has used these recommendations made to form the content of this HIAMP. The subjects covered by the recommendations and therefore included within this document include:

·         Asset Management Framework (R1)

·         Communication (R2)

·         Asset Management Policy and Strategy (R3)

·         Performance Management Framework (R4)

·         Asset Data Management (R5)

·         Lifecycle Plans (R6)

·         Works Programming (R7)

·         Leadership and Commitment (R8)

·         Making the case for asset management (R9)

·         Competencies and Training (R10)

·         Risk Management (R11)

·         Asset Management Systems (R12)

·         Performance Monitoring (R13)

·         Benchmarking (R14)

The Council has taken each UKRLG recommendation and prepared a section within the HIAMP dedicated to the subject and associated guidance given.

1.2        Continuous improvement

The HIAMP is a live document and will be subject to continuous improvement and ongoing development supplied by input from Council Officers and input derived from stakeholder feedback received by Council Officers. With this in mind the Council has formed an asset management team led by the Councils Highway Asset Manager. The asset management team meet on a regular basis to discuss the living HIAMP Action Plan, the main agenda items being:

·         HIAMP improvement suggestions;

·         Individual action progression;

·         Action identification and prioritisation;

·         Risk mitigation and issue reduction;

·         Asset Management Framework Performance.

The meeting notes & revised Action plan generated from all HIAMP Action Plan meetings will be recorded and distributed to the highways team by the Council.



2     Asset Management Framework (UKRLG R1)

UKRLG – Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document

Recommendation 1

An Asset Management Framework should be developed and endorsed by senior decision makers. All activities outlined in the Framework should be documented.

2.1        Our Approach

2.1.1      Context

The table below shows the communication links required between the policy makers, planners, enablers and deliverers of the highway asset management function within the Council.

Figure 1 – Asset Management Framework

2.2        Relevant Documentation

Figure 2 – Relevant Documents

3     Communication (UKRLG R2)

UKRLG – Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document

Recommendation 2

Relevant information associated with asset management should be actively communicated through engagement with relevant stakeholders in setting requirements, making decisions and reporting performance.

3.1        Our Approach

People, groups of people, or organisations that can affect or be affected by the policies and actions of the Council are all stakeholders of the highway infrastructure. The Council recognise that engaging with stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations provides the information needed to determine and review the service provided by highway infrastructure assets and hence the asset management activities.

The Council has a published Highways Communication Strategy that provides clarity and transparency on how the Council make decisions in the identification, assessment, programming and delivery of asset management activities, including maintenance works, and how the public are involved in making decisions for the service provided by the network.

3.2        Supporting Documents

CYC Highways Communication Strategy, 2017

4     Asset Management Policy and Strategy (UKRLG R3)

UKRLG – Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document

Recommendation 3

An asset management policy and a strategy should be developed and published. these should align with the corporate vision and demonstrate the contribution asset management makes towards achieving this vision.

4.1        Our Approach

4.1.1      Asset Management Policy

The Council has a published Highways Asset Management Policy the document establishes the Councils commitment to highway infrastructure asset management. The Asset Management Policy is a broad statement of intent that provides direction to other Council policies and practices related to asset management.

4.1.2      Asset Management Strategy

The Council has a published Highways Asset Management Strategy the document sets out how highway infrastructure asset management is delivered for the authority to meet its long-term corporate goals and objectives. The Asset Management Strategy sets a clear direction for implementation of asset management and provides a link with other relevant documents, such as corporate objectives, business planning, risk management and transport objectives.

4.2        Supporting Documents

CYC Highways Asset Management Policy, 2015

CYC Highways Asset Management Strategy, 2020


5     Performance Management Framework (UKRLG R4)

UKRLG – Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document

Recommendation 4

A performance management framework should be developed that is clear and accessible to stakeholders as appropriate and supports the asset management strategy.

5.1        Our Approach

5.1.1      Levels of Service (Development, Determination & Measurement)

The development of a Highways Asset Management Strategy has allowed the Council to introduce an approach to the establishment of a levels of service for each asset type by discipline – See Section 5.6 (Levels of Service (Summary)).

The levels of service established by the Council are broad statements that describe the performance of highway infrastructure assets in terms that stakeholders can understand. They relate to outcomes and cover key aspects of asset performance such as safety, serviceability, and sustainability. They consider the performance of the whole network rather than that of individual assets.

The levels of service established by the Council will always be subject to change when funding is limited, the Council reviews its established levels of service on an annual basis to confirm that they continue to be affordable.

5.2        Development

The levels of service developed by the Council align with the broad objectives, policy, strategy and values of:

5.2.1      Our Council Plan, -

The Councils Plan has been developed to cover the next four (4) years.  It is intended to shape the activity within the Council, acting as a guide for us to prioritise resources and the monitor progress made.

See weblink - The Council Plan

5.2.2      Key Values, -

The Councils key values are at the core of our organisation guiding what we do, how we engage with our communities, our residents and each other, and underpinning the type of council we wish to be are:

We work together,

We improve; and

We make a difference.

See weblink - Our Key Values


5.2.3      Customer feedback, -

A survey carried by the National Highways & Transport Public survey (NHT) annually to determine the public’s views on highways maintenance and satisfaction with maintenance activities.

The Council uses the information garnered from the customer satisfaction survey to identify the potential for opportunities for improvement in delivery of the highway’s maintenance service.

5.3        Determination

The key business drivers used by the Council to determine the level of service for the highway network are:

Safety - maintain roads in a safe and serviceable condition.

Serviceability - Deliver a road and transport infrastructure that seeks to meet the needs of all stakeholders.

Sustainability - progressively reduce the environmental impact of the highway asset for the benefit of all stakeholders.

The result being that the level of service provided on the highway network will instil user confidence by providing our road users with a reasonable level of confidence that their journeys on the highway will be predictable and timely, and ensure that the highway network is available and accessible, as far as practicable.

5.4        Measurement

The Council has applied the above key business drivers outlined above to determine a measurement benchmark for the level of service delivered for each highway asset type - See Section 5.6 (Levels of Service (Summary)).

The benchmarking exercise applied by the Council is captured in a separate document, See document - Highways Asset Management, Levels of Service (Development, Determination & Measurement) - Continuous Improvement Assessment Document, 2020.

5.5        Supporting Documents

CYC The Council Plan - See weblink - The Council Plan


CYC Our Key Values - See weblink - Our Key Values


CYC NHT survey data & information (available on request from highways maintenance team).

Highways Asset Management, Levels of Service (Development, Determination & Measurement) - Continuous Improvement Assessment Document, 2020.


5.6        Levels of Service (Summary)







Carriageways, Footways and Cycleways

Standard routine maintenance and planned works reducing dependence on reactive maintenance.

Condition currently adequate, at a serviceable level, but likely to fall without further investment.

Safety inspection and maintenance regime sufficient to deal with all potentially hazardous defects within 24 hours.

Annual programme of capital works.


Trees and Hedges

Planned maintenance delivered subject to budget. All reactive maintenance completed.

Planned and reactive safety inspection strategy.

All repairs identified by safety inspections carried out.

Priority maintenance deemed appropriate for network.


Fences, Walls and Barriers

Reactive, ad-hoc and some aesthetical maintenance is carried out.

Condition currently adequate, at a serviceable level, but likely to fall without further investment.

Basic inventory data held.

All hazardous defects are being repaired identified by safety inspections and third party reports.

Annual programme of capital works.








Traffic Signs and Bollards

Reactive, cleaning carried out annually.

Condition currently adequate, at a serviceable level.

Basic inventory data held.

All hazardous defects are being repaired.

Annual programme of capital works.


Road Markings and Studs

Reactive, ad-hoc and some aesthetical maintenance is carried out.

Condition currently adequate, at a serviceable level, but likely to fall without further investment.

All hazardous defects are being repaired.

Annual programme of capital works.


Public Rights of Way

A sign on a wooden pole  Description automatically generated

Standard routine maintenance and planned works reducing dependence on reactive maintenance.

Condition currently adequate, at a serviceable level, but likely to fall without further investment.

Good inventory data held.

Safety inspection and maintenance regime sufficient to deal with all potentially hazardous defects within 24 hours.

Annual programme of capital works.
















Embankments and Cuttings


Reactive maintenance only.

Condition currently adequate, at a serviceable level, but likely to fall without further investment.

Basic inventory data held.

Safety inspection and maintenance regime sufficient to deal with all potentially hazardous defects within 24 hours.

Annual programme of capital works when issues identified.



Grass Cutting

Urban areas: grass cut

minimum 6 times per annum.

Rural areas: Grass cut 1 time per annum.

Planned inspection as part of highway safety inspections.

Grass cut on a reactive basis to maintain visibility for road users and ensure footway widths are not obstructed.

Annual programme.




Weed Control


Highway network sprayed 2 times per annum to prevent unsightly vegetation.

Planned inspection as part of highway safety inspections.

Weeds that could cause structural damage to the

Highway or disrupt

Drainage removed.


Annual programme.






















Planned maintenance delivered subject to budget. All reactive maintenance completed.

Planned and reactive safety inspection strategy.

Good inventory data held.

All repairs identified by safety inspections carried out.

Priority maintenance deemed appropriate for network.


Street Lighting

Reactive and Routine cyclic maintenance programme.

Safety inspection regime.

Reactive inspections within 48 hours.

Basic inventory data held.

Resources insufficient to repair all required non-hazardous defects within SLA (20 days)

3 to 5-year forward programme


Traffic Signals

A traffic light on a pole  Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Reactive and Routine cyclic maintenance programme.

Safety inspection regime.

Reactive inspections within 48 hours.

Good inventory data held.

All hazardous defects repaired within pre-determined SLA’s.

Priority maintenance deemed appropriate for network.















A bridge over a river  Description automatically generated with low confidence

Reactive and Routine cyclic maintenance programme.

Structural safety inspection regime.

Basic inventory data held.

Resources insufficient to repair all non-hazardous defects.

Priority maintenance deemed appropriate for network.



Reactive and Routine cyclic maintenance programme.

Structural safety inspection regime.

Good inventory data held.

Resources insufficient to repair all non-hazardous defects.

Priority maintenance deemed appropriate for network.

6     Asset Data Management (UKRLG R5)

UKRLG – Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document

Recommendation 5

The quality, currency, appropriateness, and completeness of all data supporting asset management should be regularly reviewed. an asset register should be maintained that stores, manages and reports all relevant asset data.

6.1        Our Approach

The asset data held by the Council comprises of information on what physical highway infrastructure assets the Council has responsibility for, it includes but is not limited to quantities, identification numbers, location, inspection & performance information, and financial value. Effective asset management planning and decision-making relies on this data being available, appropriate, reliable, and accurate.

6.1.1      Asset Management Systems

The Council has highway asset data held in electronic data format for each highway disciplines (ie, pavement, carriageway, structures, street lighting and traffic signs). The Council recognise that some asset data is currently held on multiple systems, the Council is in the process of transferring all data on to a single highway asset management system provided by a specialist proprietary software developer.

The Council uses the asset management system to maintain a local street gazetteer which holds a complete record of the highway network, from the Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) and naming convention, through to links with highway hierarchy.

6.1.2      Data & Data Collection

The highways management team are responsible for ensuring that the quality of the information stored on the asset registry is comprehensive and up to date. The highway infrastructure is surveyed and maintained routinely using a variety of different methods. Asset data is collected and verified through during these surveys and new or updated details are identified as part of an on-going process. If new assets sets are identified for inclusion in the asset register a data collection programme is developed and a programme of comprehensive data collection is implemented using persons with the knowledge and capability to undertake the data collection process.

6.1.3      Asset Inspections

The Council uses its asset management system to record, manage and report asset information gathered by application of its highway inspection regime. Highway inspection details are described in the Councils Highways Safety Inspection Manual, they include:

Planned inspections - carried out on a bi-monthly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual basis; and

Additional inspections – in response to stakeholder reports or complaints, or unforeseen network conditions (eg, adverse weather or network incidents).

The Council also apply more discipline focused planned inspection regimes for street lighting, structures and drainage. The inspection regimes applicable to these disciplines is defined within the Councils Highways Safety Inspection Manual.

6.1.4      Highway Works

All jobs identified by planned inspection or in response the stakeholder reports are managed through the asset management system. This provides full visibility of job status from inception to completion on site.

6.2        Third Party Works

All data and information specific to works on the Councils highway network delivered by third party works promoters is accessed and recorded in the Councils asset management system.

6.3        Supporting Documents

The National Street Gazetteer, NSG, 2005.

CYC Highways Safety Inspection Manual, 2020.


7     Lifecycle Plans (UKRLG R6)

UKRLG – Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document

Recommendation 6

Lifecycle planning principles should be used to review the level of funding, support investment decisions and substantiate the need for appropriate and sustainable long-term investment.

7.1        Our Approach

Lifecycle planning comprises the approach to the maintenance of an asset from construction to disposal. It is the prediction of future performance of an asset, or a group of assets, based on investment scenarios and maintenance strategies.

The Councils approach to life cycle planning is applied by application of the process described below.

Figure 3 – Highway Asset Lifecycle Plan Process

Development of a lifecycle plan for each asset group will demonstrate how our funding is allocated in the most advantageous manner and also manage how our performance requirements are being set and achieved.

7.2        Asset Lifecycle Planning

The asset lifecycle applied by the Council comprises of six (6) stages:

Stage 1 (Asset Creation / Accrual) - A new asset installed.

Stage 2 (Maintenance) - Planned and reactive maintenance designed to maintain asset condition.

Stage 3 (Condition Monitoring) – inspection, testing and network condition over time to predict condition of the assets over the coming years.   

Stage 4 (Upgrade / Improvements) - Asset improvement to condition above original to meet increased capacity / need.

Stage 5 (Investment) - Renewal or replacement when routine maintenance cannot no longer maintain asset condition.

Stage 6 (Disposal) - Decommissioning of an asset.

An effective lifecycle plan initiates an intervention in the form of renewal, replacement or upgrade / improvement at a time that maximises asset life with minimum cost implications.

7.2.1      Asset Creation / Accrual (Stage 1)

When a new asset is installed all information relating to the asset is captured on the highways asset management system (see section 4).

7.2.2      Maintenance (Stage 2)

Each highway discipline has its own approach to maintenance strategy based on  asset type and good industry practice aligned with funding availability. The maintenance levels of service currently applied by the Council to each asset type is detailed within section 5 (Performance Management Framework).

7.2.3      Condition Monitoring (Stage 3)

The Council gather asset condition data in a number of ways, the data gathered is used to monitor network condition and predict future deterioration. The condition data gathering methods applied are:  

Safety inspections, - The Council has a published Highways Safety Inspection Manual the document details the Councils risk-based approach to its inspections designed to investigate and maintain asset condition. Works ordered as a result of these inspections are determined based upon the category of the defect and its associated response time plus other information such as indicative forward works programmes and major utility works. We will aim to carry out effective reactive repairs in order to potentially prolong asset life where possible.

Planned inspection and test, - Planned inspection and testing is carried out on based on specific asset types based on good industry practice and aligned with funding availability. The inspection and test levels of service currently applied by the Council to each asset type is detailed within section 5 (Performance Management Framework).

Condition surveys, - For highways the Council employ a third party condition survey to provide annual image based road condition surveys (currently provided by Gaist, 2020). The data provided by the surveys each year is used to provide an insight into pavement condition and assists us in developing a knowledge based deterioration model. For other disciplines (such as street lighting) condition surveys are carried out by maintenance operatives by application of asset specific inspection and test techniques.  

Figure 4 – Condition Surveys

7.2.4      Upgrade / Improvements (Stage 4)

When network upgrade and improvement are made that lead to increased network use we do, if required, carry out asset improvement to conditions above the original design criteria to meet increased capacity / need.

7.2.5      Investment (Stage 5)

With effective forward works planning and deterioration profiling, we aim to carry out both proactive treatments (such as surface dressing or micro-asphalting) and major renewal or replacement (resurfacing) at the right time for the right cost, ensuring we get the maximum benefit for the cost outlay. This will be determined by design life and calculated deterioration.

7.2.6      Disposal (Stage 6)

The Council is one of many organisations in the city which has pledged to make York a more sustainable, resilient and collaborative ‘One Planet’ city (see link below).

Web link:

Through this initiative the Council has, specific to materials disposal, pledged to:

§  Using materials from sustainable sources and promoting products which help people reduce consumption;

§  Reduce waste by reducing consumption, re-using and recycling to achieve zero waste and zero pollution.

When assets are de-commissioned we ensure that the asset management system is updated to reflect the changes made.

7.3        Scenario Modelling

The Council use the lifecycle planning toolkit (published by UKRLG) to scenario model each asset group on the highway network. The model allows the Council to make planning level decisions in the maintenance management of highway assets including: bridges, drainage, road signs, bollards, vehicle restraint systems, street lighting, traffic signals and linear assets such as road markings and kerbs.

7.4        Supporting Documents

CYC Highway Safety Inspection Manual, 2020.

Lifecycle Planning Toolkit & User Guide  (UKRLG).

CYC  - Web link:

8     Works Programming (UKRLG R7)

UKRLG – Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document

Recommendation 7

A prioritised forward works programme for a rolling period of three to five years should be developed and updated regularly.

8.1        Our Approach

The definitive output requirement is for the Council to have a comprehensive, fully integrated forward works programme in place for all highway assets.

The Council create a rolling three (3) year maintenance programme based upon projected asset condition (deterioration modelling) against costs and agreed levels of asset performance.

The works programmes will be made available either via the public website or regular bulletins or both.

8.2        Programme Development

The forward works programme development process applied for by Council is outlined in figure 1 below.

Figure 5 – Forward Programme Development

8.2.1      Candidate Scheme Identification

The Council use a data produced by surveys (Gaist / SCRIM) to identify candidate carriageway and footway schemes. The information provided by these surveys allows the Council to hold and maintain rolling three (3) year candidate scheme list. This list is reviewed and modified by the Council using local knowledge and engineering judgement.

8.2.2      Works Prioritisation

The Council have a decision-making process when prioritising candidate schemes. The process applied by the Council considers all of the following:

Highway safety inspection data;

Condition monitoring, inspection and test data;

Joint prioritisation across other asset types and groups;

Alignment of works with other schemes planned on the network;

Co-ordination of works planned by other local authorities, private developers, statutory authorities and utility companies.

The Council also consider the prioritisation of works single asset works prior to other third party works (eg, drainage replacement when a third party is carrying out resurfacing works on a new development).

8.2.3      Forward Programme Scheme Selection

All Schemes identified and prioritised by the Council are placed on the Councils rolling three (3) year forward maintenance programme.

8.2.4      Optimised Works Programme

The Council use all available data to optimise the annual works programmes across the network.

8.2.5      Annual Programme

The Council develops its annual programme based on all available information, gathered during development and optimisation of the forward programme, The annual programme will be made available either via the public website.

8.3        Supporting Documents

CYC Gaist & SCRIM survey data.

[CYC Annual highways programme (published on CYC website).]

[CYC Three (3) to five (5) year forward highways maintenance Programme (published on CYC website).]

9     Leadership and Commitment (UKRLG R8)

UKRLG – Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document

Recommendation 8

Senior decision makers should demonstrate leadership and commitment to enable the implementation of asset management.

9.1        Our Approach

9.1.1      Awareness

The Councils recognise that strong leadership and commitment from councillors and chief officers is required now in order to implement the principles of asset management. The UKRLG Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document, is supported by an abbreviated version aimed at a corporate level (see link below), such as councillors and chief officers.

Web link UKRLG Maintaining a Vital Asset

You need to empower and support officers to implement a maintenance strategy that is based on the right principles. Those on the front line can then monitor highway maintenance in the context of asset management to ensure that value for money is achieved.

9.1.2      Engagement

The need for ongoing engagement and knowledge sharing is recognised as important for successful delivery of the highway’s maintenance service, for this purpose the Council has several protocols in place, this includes:

Communication, - An established system of communication between Council officers and councillors.

Reports, - An established method of reporting programme, performance and budgets is in

The Council ensure, through these regular communication and reports (committees, regular update bulletins and website publishing) that the investment case for Asset Management is clearly stated and based upon predicted funding and asset condition.

9.2        Supporting Documents

UKRLG Maintaining a Vital Asset - Web link: UKRLG Maintaining a Vital Asset


10 Making the case for asset management (UKRLG R9)

UKRLG – Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document

Recommendation 9

The case for implementing the asset management framework should be made by clearly explaining the funding required and the wider benefits to be achieved.

10.1    Our Approach

The Council recognises the importance of funding an asset management framework that supports the maintenance of its highways infrastructure assets. Applied properly the Councils approach to asset management supports making the case for funding (internal & external), affords better communication with stakeholders, and facilitates a greater understanding of the contribution highway infrastructure assets make to economic growth and social well-being of local communities.

In recognising the importance of having an asset management framework, and more importantly implementing it in an effective and efficient manner, the Council has developed an implementation plan for highways asset management. The plan which has been approved by the senior management team was developed in line with the Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance document, the future aim being that the Council can gain ISO55000 (Asset Management).

10.2    Wider Benefits

10.2.1   Funding

The asset knowledge gained by the development and implementation of an asset management framework allows the Council to present a case for additional funding and financing for maintenance of the Council’s [highway asset infrastructure], funding initiatives include:

Department for Transport Incentive Fund which places the need for a robust HIAMP and framework at the heart of its self-assessment methodology.

Additional funding and financing that cannot be provided by the Councils existing funding.

10.2.2   Decision Maker Communication

The asset knowledge gained by the development and implementation of an asset management framework allows the highways asset management team to present and communicate business case’s for investment more effectively to its audience at all levels – operational, strategic & operational.

10.2.3   Corporate Priorities & Objectives

Transforming frontline services is a primary focus for the Council and one that is identified in the list of top corporate priorities. It is also a key objective of the Council’s Digital Services Programme which provides a framework for technology-enabled transformational change, the implementation of a highways asset management framework supports these priorities and objectives.

10.3    Supporting Documents

Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document, 2013 - ‘Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document’.

CYC Highways Implementation Plan, 2020

11 Competencies and Training (UKRLG R10)

UKRLG – Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document

Recommendation 10

The appropriate competency required for asset management should be identified, and training should be provided where necessary.

11.1    Our Approach

11.1.1   Responsibility

The Councils approach to ensuring that the appropriate competency required for highway asset management is applied at all levels, corporate (high level), strategic & tactical (highways management level) and operational (inspection and maintenance level).

In developing an approach to competency and training the Council has established a responsibility requirement at each level for highway asset management, this requirement is outlined in figure 2 below.

Figure 6 – Highway Asset Management Responsibility

The Council has established responsibility and competency requirement is reviewed and updated annually by the Council.

11.1.2   Competencies and Training

The Council ensure that all staff engaged in highway asset management are suitably competent, experienced and trained. The Councils approach to competency assessment and training is detailed within the highways competency training records.

11.2    Supporting Documents

CYC Highways Safety Inspection Manual, 2020.

CYC Highways Competency and Training Records.

12 Risk Management (UKRLG R11)

UKRLG – Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document

Recommendation 11

The management of current and future risks associated with assets should be embedded within the approach to asset management. strategic, tactical and operational risks should be included as should appropriate mitigation measures.

12.1    Our Approach

The Council has a Risk Management Policy and Strategy & supporting Risk Management Guide. The risk management process applied by the Councils policy and strategy, and guidance is as outlined in figure 3 below.

Figure 7 – Risk Management Cycle

The Councils approach to risk management is applied at corporate (high level), strategic & tactical (highways management level) and operational (inspection and maintenance level).

12.2    Corporate Risk

The Council has a published Risk Management Policy and Strategy the document sets out how key corporate risks are managed by the Councils Directorate Management Team.

12.3    Strategic and Tactical Risk

The Council has a published Risk Management Guide the document is designed as a guide for all employees, with risk management responsibilities, to explain what to do and what to document at each stage of the risk management cycle.

The Councils highway management team has applied the Councils own policy, strategy and supporting guidance to develop a Strategic and Tactical Risk Register, the register records implemented mitigation actions and where applicable the lessons learnt. The strategic and tactical Risk Register is reviewed and updated every quarter by the Councils highway management team.

The strategic and tactical level risk types are grouped into the risk categories and elements considered by the strategic and tactical Risk Register are outlined below.

12.4    Operational Risk

The Council has a published Highways Safety Inspection Manual this document details how the Council applies a risk-based approach and process to the maintenance of individual highway assets.

12.5    Supporting Documents

CYC Risk Management Policy and Strategy, 2019.

CYC Risk Management Guide, 2020.

CYC Strategic and Tactical Risk Register, 2020.

13 Asset Management Systems (UKRLG R12)

UKRLG – Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document

Recommendation 12

Asset management systems should be sustainable and able to support the information required to enable asset management. Systems should be accessible to relevant staff and, where appropriate, support the provision of information for stakeholders.

13.1    Our Approach

The Council use electronic Asset Management Systems (AMS) to manage processes and data associated with the highway asset. In 2020 the Council is in the process of procuring a new AMS. The new AMS will provide an integrated highways AMS will realise the following benefits for the Council:

> Industry compliance;

> Improve business process;

> A more customer focused service; and

> Cost effective service delivery.

13.1.1   Industry Compliance

The Council use UKRLG Toolkit for the provision of data to the Department for Transport (DfT) for the whole of government accounts including Depreciated Replacements Costs (DRC) and Gross Replacement Costs (GRC).

13.1.2   Improved Business Process

The Council will use the AMS to manage all highway safety inspections – see the Councils Highways Safety Inspection Manual.

The Council will continue to use a data produced by surveys (Gaist / SCRIM) to survey carriageway and footway condition. The survey data captured by these surveys will be stored on the AMS to support analysis of network condition.

13.1.3   Customer Focused Service

The Council has a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) which will take customer and stakeholder enquiries / complaints and processes information relating to the highway asset into the AMS.

13.1.4   Cost Effective Service Delivery

The Council has a financial management system which will take financial information (purchase order, invoicing and payment) relating to the highway asset into the AMS and process it.

13.2    Supporting Documents

CYC Highway Safety Inspection Manual, 2020.

14 Performance Monitoring (UKRLG R13)

UKRLG – Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document

Recommendation 13

The performance of the asset management framework should be monitored and reported. it should be reviewed regularly by senior decision makers and when appropriate, improvement actions should be taken.

14.1    Our Approach

The HIAMP is a live document and will be subject to continuous improvement and ongoing development supplied by input from Council Officers. The Council has formed a HIAMP team led by the Councils Highway Asset Manager. When the asset management team meet they will discuss the asset management framework and discuss its performance. The primary performance indicators that will be discussed and monitored include:

> Condition;

> Operational performance;

> Customer / stakeholder satisfactions; and

> Safety inspections.

14.2    Performance Indicators

14.2.1   Condition

There are several performance indicators that measure the condition of the Councils highway asset. Condition surveys are carried out following government requirements. Each year the Council commission a repeatable machine survey and the data recorded is used to report condition in accord with its own local and national indicators.

14.2.2   Operational Performance

The Council applies its own performance indicators to measure operational performance of its own in-house highway maintenance teams and external contractors employed to carry out highway improvements.

14.2.3   Customer / stakeholder Satisfaction

The Council applies its own performance indicators to measure customer / stakeholder satisfaction. The Council also uses the information generated by the NHT survey to understand customer service levels.

14.2.4   Safety Inspections

The Council carry out highway safety inspections the information gathered from the inspections and instructions given by the inspectors is used to monitor network and operational performance. This includes defect quantum and operational response.

14.3    Supporting Documents

CYC HIAMP Action Plan.

15 Benchmarking (UKRLG R14)

UKRLG – Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document

Recommendation 14                             

Local and national benchmarking should be used to compare performance of the asset management framework and to share information that supports continuous improvement.

15.1    Our Approach

Benchmarking is a systematic process of collecting information and data to enable comparisons with the aim of improving performance, both absolutely and relatively to others. It provides a structure to search for better practice in similar authorities that can then be integrated into an asset management approach.

15.1.1   Engagement & Collaboration

The Council voluntarily meet, collaborate, and engage with other local government organisations via the ‘West Yorkshire Consortium’ & ‘North Yorkshire Framework’. These forums are used to share ideas, good practice, and the latest innovations.

15.1.2   Customer Satisfaction

The Council supply data to the NHT & APSE which serves to provide details on levels of customer satisfaction with local authority services and practices. The information received from the surveys help the Council to target and publish information clearly and effectively to ensure members of the public and other highways stakeholders are as fully informed as possible about the current performance of our services.

15.1.3   Central Government Data

The Council submit condition data to the Department for Transport (DfT) on an annual basis, in return the data published by DfT provides an indication of how the network is performing relative to other authorities and identify key areas for improvement.

15.1.4   Industry Guidance and Standards

The Council use the guidance and codes published by the Highways Maintenance Efficiency Programme (HMEP) to benchmark its approach to highway inspection and maintenance.  

15.2    Supporting Documents

CYC NHT survey data & information (available on request from highways maintenance team).

CYC Gaist & SCRIM survey data.

Annex A - Supporting Documents Summary

City of York Council Documents

Relevant Section

Document (web-link)


CYC Street Lighting Policy, 2020


CYC Highways Communication Strategy, 2017

2.2, 4.2

CYC Highways Asset Management Policy, 2015

2.2, 4.2

CYC Highways Asset Management Strategy, 2020


CYC Highways Asset Management, Levels of Service (Development, Determination & Measurement) - Continuous Improvement Assessment Document, 2020.


CYC Our Key Values - Our Key Values


CYC The Council Plan - The Council Plan

7.2 & 7.4

CYC ‘One Planet’ city -


CYC Annual highways programme (published on CYC website)


CYC Three (3) to five (5) year forward highways maintenance Programme (published on CYC website)


CYC Implementation Plan


CYC Highways Competency and Training Records


CYC Risk Management Policy and Strategy, 2019


CYC Risk Management Guide, 2020


CYC Strategic and Tactical Risk Register, 2020

6.7, 7.4, 11.2, 13.2

CYC Highway Safety Inspection Manual, 2020


CYC HIAMP Action Plan

5.5, 15.2

CYC NHT survey data & information (available on request from highways maintenance team)

8.3, 15.2

CYC Gaist & SCRIM survey data


Third Party Reference Documents

Relevant Section

Document (web-link)


Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document, 2013 - ‘Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance Document’


The National Street Gazetteer, NSG, 2005


Lifecycle Planning Toolkit & User Guide  (UKRLG)

9.1 & 9.2

UKRLG Maintaining a Vital Asset - UKRLG Maintaining a Vital Asset