(Disciplinary Dismissals)




The procedure for the appeal will be as follows:


·        The appellant and/or his/her representative and the Management (officer(s) appearing for the Council) are invited into the meeting.


·        The Chair of the Panel will introduce all parties present and explain procedural matters.


·        The Chair will invite the appellant/representative to confirm the reason(s) for the appeal.


·        The appellant or his/her representative will present his/her case and will call and question any supporting witnesses he/she considers necessary.


·        Following the presentation of the appellant’s case, the Chair will invite Management to put questions to the appellant or his/her representative/witnesses.


·        Management will present the Council’s case and will call and question any supporting witnesses he/she considers necessary.


·        Following the presentation of the Council’s case, the Chair will invite the appellant/representative to put questions to Management/witnesses.


·        Members will ask both parties to sum up (please note that no new evidence can be introduced at this stage) 


·        Members can ask questions of both parties at any stage during the appeal.


·        Any party may call for a reasonable recess during the appeal hearing.


·        Once the case for and against the appeal has been heard, the Chair will call for an adjournment for the panel to make their decision.


·        Both parties will leave the room while Members, advised by Human Resources, make their decision.





·        Members will debate the case and decide which one or more of the four legal reasons for appeal are applicable.


·        Depending on the reason for appeal, Members will decide whether the grounds for appeal are sustained and whether or not to uphold the original decision that the employee did commit a disciplinary offence.


·        Members will decide whether or not to uphold the original penalty.


·        The reasons for Members decisions will be recorded.


·        The outcome of the appeal will be communicated in writing to all parties within five working days of the decision being made.