Health and Adult Social Care Policy and Scrutiny Committee

29 July 2021


Report of the Director of Safeguarding People


Adult Social Care Use of Resources Peer Challenge


1.        This report presents the findings of the ADASS/LGA Peer Challenge into the use of resources in Adult Social Care in City of York Council, highlighting both good practice and recommendations intended to help CYC improve its approach. It also includes the high-level action plan developed from the recommendations.

      The report finds that York has many positives upon which to build an approach that meets the need for long-term recovery planning in Adult Social Care.


      These Positives include:  An engaged, stable and committed workforce at the front line.  A new People Directorate, which is structured to plan support from childhood to adulthood.  A vibrant and engaged voluntary sector that want to shape services and deliver them, and many strengthened relationships with health and other partners and streamlined processes upon which to build long term solutions.


       However, York faces considerable challenges in managing its resources effectively. New structures in place have already provided the basis to support a 3-year transformation journey but further improvement will need further change to team structures, practice and culture and the department will need the support of colleagues in the council and wider partners to achieve this.



2.        The Peer Challenge is part of the sector led improvement approach adopted by the LGA and ADASS. It uses a tried and tested methodology designed to help the authority and partners assess current achievements and strengths alongside areas for development. It is based on a self-assessment ratified by partners followed by 3 days of interviews and focus groups carried out by a team of 6 peers who are experts in adult social care in the region.

      The Challenge Framework focussed on the following areas, Leadership, Strategy and Vision, Business Process, Long Term Support and Recovery. It highlights strength and areas for improvement in each of these areas intended to inform council’s actions over the coming years. These form the basis of the action plan.


3.    As part of the preparation of the self-assessment, evidence and views were collated from a wide range of statutory and non-statutory partners. Focus groups and interviews included people with lived experience of using adult social care

4.        Members are asked to consider receiving further updates of the action plan developed in response to the peer challenge.


Council Plan


5.           The report supports the council’s priority of good health and wellbeing for all residents.



6.    The response to the peer challenge and the development of a 3 year plan will involve support and challenge across all CYC corporate services

Risk Management


7.    The effective use of resources in adult social care is essential both to mitigate against risk to council finance and to ensure that the council meets its statutory obligations to its residents.



8.    Members are asked to consider

i)             Receiving updates on the systematic plan to ensure effective use of resources. This is to enable effective scrutiny of the progress being made in this area.


Contact Details




Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


Michael Melvin

Director of Safeguarding People





Amanda Hatton

Corporate Director People Services



Report Approved















Wards Affected: 






For further information please contact the author of the report