MINUTES of the meeting of the PARISH COUNCIL
held on Thursday 21st January 2021 at 7pm using remote access.
Councillor |
Andrew Steele (Chair) |
Councillors |
Julie Barber Kathryn Smith |
Kirsty Smahon Mark Walker |
Simon Peers |
In attendance: Ward Cllr. Anne Hook, two residents and the locum Clerk.
The Chair opened the meeting and wished everyone a happy New Year.
1 APOLOGIES: There were no apologies.
2 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST: Cllr. Peers reminded everyone that he had previously declared an interest in 62 Main Street.
Concern was expressed that on 31st December 2020, time had expired on applications 15/01520/FUL for three temporary classrooms and application 15/01519/FUL for six temporary classrooms at Askham Bryan College and that these classrooms were still in place. City of York Council (CYC) Planning Enforcement had been made aware.
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting of the PC meeting held on 19th November 2020 having been circulated, be approved and that the Chair be authorised to sign.
a. Planning Applications Received
· 20/02377/TCA - Egton Cottage 62 Main Street - Fell 2no. Conifers; crown reduce by 30% 1no. Copper beech and 1no. Rowan; crown thin and lift Tree of Heaven - tree works in a Conservation Area
· 20/02400/FUL - Askham Bryan College Askham Fields Lane Askham Bryan York YO23 3PR - Extension to the Learning Resource Centre
· 21/00027/FUL - Town Farm 116 Main Street - Single story rear extension
· 21/00040/FUL - West Barn 9 Eastfield Farm Moor Lane Acomb - Access ramp to front
The first application above had already been determined (see below), there were no objections to the other three.
b. Planning Decision Notice Received
a. 20/01918/TCA - Gardeners Cottage, Northfield Lane - Various works including the felling of 8no. trees in a Conservation Area - Approved.
b. 20/01997/TCA - Carmel 145 Main Street - Fell Bay tree; prune Maple by 30% in a Conservation Area – Approved.
c. 20/01875/FUL - Askham Bryan College - Erection of detached single storey teaching block - – Approved subject to conditions
d. 20/02377/TCA - Egton Cottage 62 Main Street - Fell 2no. Conifers; crown reduce by 30% 1no. Copper beech and 1no. Rowan; crown thin and lift Tree of Heaven - tree works in a Conservation Area – Approved.
The above decisions were noted.
Ward Cllr. Hook reported that Poppleton PC were getting crime reports and she would liaise accordingly. It was noted that a land rover had been stolen before Christmas.
Ward Cllr. Hook reported that the salt bin in Church Close had disappeared, a replacement had been arranged. She advised that more business grants were available. The Chair gave positive feedback regarding the daily communications from CYC regarding the pandemic, Ward Cllr. Hook would pass this on to those involved.
Playground Annual Inspection report. The Annual Inspection report identified most of the equipment as low or very low risk but there were concerns regarding the slide which was classed as medium risk with signs of corrosion. It was agreed that the slide be roped off, Cllrs. Peers and Steele would do this over the weekend. Cllr. Smahon would produce a laminated sign. Cllr. Smahon had spoken to her contact regarding the ward grant and he had forwarded information for a different grant of £10,000. Ward Cllr. Hook advised that that funding up to a maximum of £12,000 was available.
Budget and precept for 2021/22. Cllr. Peers shared on screen a copy of the budget presented to the November meeting with suggested amendments. It was agreed that having significantly increased the precept in 2019/20, that any increase should not be greater than published measure of inflation (1.4%) and the budget should work within this figure. There were new costs which could not be avoided such with the website and the renewal of the ten-year lease on access rights to the recreational area (see 8.3 & 8.4 below). Pond maintenance (item 8.5) and management of land at Saint Nicholas’ Croft (8.7) were added to the Natural Environment Group budget which was adjusted accordingly. The project for a replacement gate for the recreational area would not be included in the budget but would be reconsidered later if actual expenditure was below that budgeted for. Contingency of £2,000 to £3,000 would be taken from surplus from 2019/20. Tree inspections were once every three years and the need for a schedule of works was noted. Based on the above budget figures, it was resolved that the agreed precept for 2021-22 be £9,499, all in favour
Access rights across land belonging to The York Diocesan Board of Finance Limited. The York Diocesan Board of Finance Limited had written to say that the ten-year licence for access rights across their land at £500 for ten years expired on 31st December 2019. It was resolved to renew the agreement for a further ten years at £500 subject to the Board of Finance being asked if they would consider an annual £50 payment, all in favour
Website. Following the decision at the November meeting regarding a preferred supplier, clarification had been obtained regarding the queries raised and a satisfactory response had been received. It was resolved to accept the quote previously discussed, all in favour. Cllr. Peers would like the site to show local walks with links to online maps and asked for details of such walks to be sent to him. There would be an appeal to villagers for better photographs and content would be posted on behalf of village organisations such as the Village Hall and Church.
Village Pond. Cllrs. Barber and Smith agreed to take the lead on this. There would be an informal consultation with the village via the newsletter (deadline 19th February). It was suggested that the Natural Environment Group be relaunched as a working party with the members of the previous group being offered the chance to be involved. Cllrs. Barber and Smith would draft a suggested newsletter article for approval at next meeting and Cllr. Barber would ask her contact if he would be willing to attend the next meeting to discuss ways they could help.
Village sign repair. Cllr. Steele had been in touch with his contact at the college estates department regarding the village sign and he had confirmed that they were willing to repair it.
Trees/shrubs at the corner of Saint Nicholas’ Croft. This had been discussed as part of item 8.2 above. It was agreed that this would be funded from the Natural Environment Group budget, Cllr. Barber would get quotes from local contactors and send the Clerk a photograph of trees as appropriate.
Road Safety Fund Application. The AJ1 project team were pressing for an update. Cllr. Steele had been liaising with engineers at City of York Council regarding feedback on data collection, one of whom would support a request for an extension of time if this was necessary.
Vacancy on the Council. It was agreed that the vacancy be advertised in the newsletter.
Social Media report. A resident had contacted the Parish Council using Facebook Messenger after his car windscreen was damaged by stones thrown up by a passing school bus. The Clerk had researched school bus timetables and identified the service most likely to have been using the road at the time stated and Cllr. Peers had replied to the resident. |
Bank Reconciliation. The Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) reported that the bank balance as of 13th January 2021 was £7,588.61 including £1,959.37 earmarked funds from the quiz night. It was resolved that the following invoices to be paid · Clerk’s Salary 01/11/20 to 31/12/20 plus deductions payable to HMRC. · Village Hall Hire - Parish Council meetings January to March (3 x £14) plus VE Day planning meeting (11th March 2020 - £10.50) - £52.50 · Society of Local Council Clerks - Annual Renewal of membership - £208 shared pro-rata with other employment - £34.67 · Annual Inspection of the playground - The Play Inspection Company Limited - £120 · Yorkshire Local Councils Associations - Off to a flying start webinar on Wednesday, 20 January 2021 - £48.00 · PKF Littlejohn LLP – External Auditor’s Fee - £200 + VAT |
9.4 |
The External Auditor’s Report had been received and circulated and their comments noted. Progress on matters raised by the Internal Auditor’s Report were considered. It was agreed that the RFO circulate revised Standing Orders to reflect the switch to electronic banking and that he would draft a Risk Management document, both documents for consideration at the February meeting. Consideration of reserves had been made as pat of the budget setting process. |
A list of correspondence received since the last meeting (items 147-169) had been circulated and the contents noted. Item 164 (expiry of the time allowed for temporary classrooms the college) had been considered in the Public Participation. Cllr. Smahonhad spoken to the landlord following a letter received regarding burning at the back of the public house.
An Action Tracker had been circulated with the agenda papers listing all previously agreed actions and reports on progress and the Clerk went through the list. Cllr. Smahon had circulated details of a scheme suggested by an equipment provider for redevelopment of the Recreational Area and was meeting with Cllr. Steele and another contractor on 27th January 2021.
The next PC meeting would be 18 February 2021. This meeting to be held using remote access.
The dates of other PC meetings for 2021 were noted as follows: 18th March, 15th April, 20th May, 17th June, 15th July, 19th August, 16th September, 21st October and 18th November. These meetings to be held using remote access until current restrictions are relaxed.
The meeting closed at 8:35pm.
18 February 2021