Health and Wellbeing Board

28th October 2020


Report of the Assistant Director, Legal and Governance


Appointments to York’s Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB)


1.        This report asks the Board to confirm new appointments to its membership and named list of substitutes.  It also requests that existing members review their Register of Interest forms which can be viewed online, and notify democratic services of any changes.


2.        The Council has appointed a Health and Wellbeing Board. The Board is responsible for encouraging providers of health and social care to work together and has certain statutory functions.  Although it operates as a form of Committee the Health & Wellbeing Board is unusual in that some of the membership is set out in law (including, uniquely, certain Officers), the Leader has the power to nominate to some positions and some positions are reserved to postholders who are not councillors.  Therefore the following changes are put forward for the Board’s endorsement prior to being approved at Full Council:

                i.          To welcome Cllr Denise Craghill as a new member to the board to replace Cllr Rosie Baker;

               ii.          To appoint Shaun Jones, Deputy Locality Director, NHS England and Improvement to replace Gillian Laurence as the NHS England and Improvement representative on the board;

             iii.          To appoint Michelle Waugh, Locality Manager, NHS England and Improvement as the substitute for Shaun Jones;

             iv.          To appoint David Kerr, Service Development Manager North Yorkshire and York at Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust as the second substitute (to replace Colin Martin) for Naomi Lonergan;

              v.          To note that Sharon Houlden, Corporate Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care has now left City of York Council. Amanda Hatton, the Interim Corporate Director for People will represent both children’s services and adult social care on the board for the time being;

             vi.          With effect from 1st November 2020 to appoint Stephanie Porter, Acting Director for Primary Care and Population Health for NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group to replace Dr Andrew Lee.

3.        Existing Members are obliged to notify democratic services of any changes to their Register of Interest form as they arise.  It is good practice for board members to review this annually.



4.        As these are appointments to the existing Health and Wellbeing Board membership no consultation has been necessary.



5.        There are no alternative nominations for the appointment.

Council Plan and other strategic plans


6.        Maintaining an appropriate decision making structure, together with appropriate nominees to that, contributes to the Council delivering its core priorities set out in the current Council Plan, effectively. In particular, appointments to the Health and Wellbeing Board ensure that partnership working is central to the Council working to improve the overall wellbeing of the city.



7.        There are no known implications in relation to the following in terms of dealing with the specific matters before Board Members:


·        Financial

·        Human Resources (HR)

·        Equalities

·        Crime and Disorder

·        Property

·        Other


Legal Implications


8.        The Council is statutorily obliged to make appointments to Committees, Advisory Committees, Sub-Committees and certain other prescribed bodies. The Board’s terms of reference also make provision for substitutes.

 Risk Management


9.        In compliance with the Council’s risk management strategy, the only risk associated with the recommendation in this report is that appropriate replacements would fail to be made should the Board not agree to these appointments.


10.    The Health and Wellbeing Board are asked to endorse the changes to the membership set out in paragraph 2 of this report


11.    That these changes to the membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board be referred to Full Council for approval.


12.    That all board members are requested to review their Register of Interest forms which can be viewed online, and notify democratic services of any changes.


Reason:     In order to make the necessary appointments to the Health and Wellbeing Board and to ensure transparency in terms of registering interests of its board members.



Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


Michelle Bennett

Democracy Officer

Telephone: 01904 551573




Janie Berry

Director of Governance and Legal Services



Report Approved





Specialist Implications Officers

Not applicable



Wards Affected:  






For further information please contact the author of the report


Background Papers

The City of York Council’s Constitution – Responsibilities & Functions Section 3c.


