Audit and Governance Committee

4 September 2024

Report of the Director of Governance

Report of the Monitoring Officer on Suggested Constitutional Changes




1.           To provide the first tranche of suggested constitutional changes to the committee for consideration and discussion.



2.           Members will recall that, at its meeting on 8 August 2024, the committee received early sight of the proposed changes to the Constitution, as agreed by the Constitution Working Group.


3.           Following that early sight, the revised draft Council Procedure Rules (Appendix 3 to the Constitution), which are attached at Annex 1 in tracked form and Annex 2 in clean form, are presented to the committee for discussion and agreement.


4.           Members may recall that, at the meeting of 8 August, Councillor Merrett indicated he had some minor queries on the documents then presented, and following consideration of those queries, Members’ attention is drawn to the changes at paragraphs 4.2, A4 (2), and the new paragraph B23.


5.           Should the Committee choose to endorse the proposed revisions, it is proposed that the revised Council Procedure Rules be presented to Full Council at its meeting on 19 September for agreement and implementation.


6.           Implications


Financial – None directly arising from this report.


Human Resources (HR) – None directly arising from this report.


Equalities – None directly arising from this report.


Legal – None directly arising from this report.


Crime and Disorder, Information Technology and Property – None directly arising from this report.




7.           It is recommended that Members:

a)           Consider and endorse the proposed changes to the Council Procedure Rules; and
b)           Remit those changes to the meeting of Full Council on 19 September 2024 for approval.

Reasons for the Recommendation


8.           To allow the Committee to consider the proposed Constitutional changes.

Author and Chief Officer responsible for the report:


Bryn Roberts, Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer



Report Approved



15 August 2024






Wards Affected:  List wards or tick box to indicate all




For further information please contact the author of the report

Background Papers:

·        None



·        Annex 1 – Council Procedure Rules – Tracked Version

·        Annex 2 – Council Procedure Rules – Clean Version