Issue details

Renewal ballot for the York Business Improvement District (BID)

Purpose of Report: To seek support and approval from the Executive Member for the York Business Improvement District (BID) renewal ballot to take place in November 2020. This will allow local businesses to vote on whether they wish to continue with the BID for a second five year term.

The Executive Member will be asked to:
• Support the City Centre BID and its work
• Confirm that the Executive Member is satisfied that the York BID proposals are not in conflict with any existing Council Policy
• Approve the Baseline Service Agreements which provide a legal commitment by the Council to maintain provision of relevant services in the BID area
• Approve arrangements proceed to allow the Council to operate the ballot and act as the collection agent for the levy
• Note the stages and timescales required to implement the decision as outlined in these recommendations.
• Agree that a report on the BID renewal can be presented to the Executive for their agreement and sign off

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: Fishergate Ward; Guildhall Ward; Micklegate Ward;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/09/2019

Decision due: 18/11/19 by Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning
Reason: The date of this decision session has been changed. This item will now be considered on 18 November 2019

Lead member: Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning

Lead director: Corporate Director of Economy and Place

Contact: Simon Brereton, Head of Economic Growth Email:, Penny Nicholson Email: Tel No. 01904 551506.

Consultation process

Please contact the report author for further details.

Making Representations: Please contact the report author for further details.


Agenda items


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