Issue - decisions

To accept any offers on the self-build plots at Chaloners Road and Dane Avenue that are at or above the price set in an independent RICS valuation.

21/03/2024 - To accept any offers on the self-build plots at Chaloners Road and Dane Avenue that are at or above the price set in an independent RICS valuation.

1. In October 2020 the Council Executive approved the use of existing resources to bring forward 8 small sites for disposal to individuals to design and build their own homes. Authority to accept offers was delegated to the Director of Place.

2. Chaloners Road and Dane Avenue are the first 2 of these 8 sites and comprise of a total of 5 self-build plots. The plots are currently on the market with offers received on 3 of 5 plots to date.

3. The decision has been taken that all offers received at or above the price set in the independent RICS valuation will be accepted.

This decision is to authorise the acceptance of offers that have currently been made on self-build plots plus any further offers that are at or above the independent RICS valuation.


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