Issue - decisions

Amber House & Workshop, Galmanhoe Lane - Freehold Disposal

14/02/2007 - Amber House & Workshop, Galmanhoe Lane - Freehold Disposal

RESOLVED: (i)         That Option 1 be approved and that Amber House and the associate workshop be approved for freehold sale by informal tender.


REASON:      To obtain a capital receipt, which will support the capital programme.


                        (ii)        That the sale be completed subject to the granting of outline planning consent for residential development.


                        (iii)       That the sale only be completed if the best offer is at or above the reserve figure.


REASON:      To ensure that best consideration is received for the property.


                        (iv)       That approval be given to vire £6,525 in lost rent from the provision in the general fund budget to the commercial property rental budget, pro rata, from the date of sale.


REASON:      In order to compensate the commercial property portfolio budgets from the provision held corporately for this purpose.


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