Issue - decisions

Budget Report 2007/8

08/12/2006 - Revenue Budget Estimates 2007/08

This report presented the 2007/08 budget proposals for Neighbourhood Services portfolio.  It included:

  • the budget adjusted and rolled forward from 2006/07
  • the allocation of pay and price increases for the portfolio
  • budget service pressure proposals and savings options for the portfolio area
  • budget options subject to consultation

The Executive Member and Advisory Panel were asked to consider and comment on the budget proposals and identify their preferences for submission to Budget Executive on 16 January 2007.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member to approve the proposals for consultation for the Neighbourhood Services portfolio for 2007/08 contained in the report, whilst rejecting the “Further Savings Options”, and the items listed below to be submitted to the Budget Executive on 16 January 2007:

·  2007/08 Base Budget as set out in paragraph 7 of the report;

·  Service Pressure proposals as set out in Annex 1;

·  Savings proposals as set out in Annex 2;


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advise of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To begin consultation on the Neighbourhood Services budget for 2007/08.


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