Issue - decisions

New Neighbourhood Action Plan

08/12/2006 - New Neighbourhood Action Plans

This report outlined the proposed approach to the development of Neighbourhood Action Plans (NAP’s) across the city, taking into account the details and ethos contained within the Local Government White Paper – Strong and Prosperous Communities.  The content of this report superseded the report entitled “Neighbourhood Action Plans” approved by the Executive Leader and Advisory Panel on the 20th February 2006.


Members were asked to approve the proposed framework for NAP’s, the detailed delivery timeframe and requested officers to report back on options for the further development of NAP’s at an appropriate time, in light of the requirements of the White Paper.


The options for Members to consider were to:


Option 1

Approve the proposed framework for NAP’s contained within Annex 2.  Approve the proposed delivery timeframe for NAP’s contained within Annex 3 and to request officers to further develop NAP’s in light of the content of the White Paper and Lyons Inquiry and to report back at an appropriate date.


Option 2

Not to agree the proposed framework and delivery timeline detailed in Annexes 2 and 3 for the delivery of NAP’s


Advice of the Advisory Panel


i)          That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member to approve the proposed framework for Neighbourhood Action Plans contained within Annex 2 and outlined in paragraph 10 of the report.

ii)         That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member to approve the delivery timeframe contained within Annex 3 and outlined in paragraph 11 of the report for the delivery of Neighbourhood Action Plans.

    iii)        That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member to request officers to further develop Neighbourhood Action Plans in light of the content of the White Paper and Lyons Inquiry and to report back at an appropriate date.


Decision of the Executive Member

  RESOLVED:      That the advise of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.

         REASON:        i)  To comply with the Council’s obligations contained within the Councils Constitution Part 3 Schedule 2 concerning the functions of ward committees.  It will deliver the ‘bottom up’ elements of the Local Area Agreement and will also assist with the development of neighbourhood management at a ward level consistent with requirements of the White Paper.

ii)  To facilitate effective delivery of Neighbourhood Action Plans utilising the current cycle of ward committee meetings and Local Improvement Scheme delivery timeframes.

iii) To ensure that the documents comply with the requirements of central government, contain best practice and innovation and comply with the requirement of the new inspection regime.



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