Issue - decisions

Petition requesting an additional bus stop between Rawcliffe Bar Park & Ride and the Shipton Road area

19/03/2015 - Petition - Additional Bus Stop between Rawcliffe Bar Park & Ride and the Shipton Road Area.

Resolved:  (i)      That the Clerk to Rawcliffe Parish Council be

emailed for the Parish Council’s views on the petition.


                   (ii)      That, in respect of Option C in the report, a safety

audit be carried out to enable full costings to be obtained.


                   (iii)     That, as part of the consultations for the

retendering of the Park & Ride contract, discussions take place on the issue raised in the petition.


                   (iv)    That a decision on the petitioners’ request be

reconsidered by the Cabinet Member once the retendering process for the Park & Ride contract had taken place.


Reason:     To enable full information and costings to be obtained prior to a decision on the petition being taken.


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