Issue - decisions

New Earswick Library

08/06/2006 - New Earswick Library

The report requested approval of the proposed relocation of New Earswick Library from its existing position, into the Integrated Children’s Centre at New Earswick Primary School. Members were presented with the following Options:


Option One:The library to relocate to the Integrated Children’s Centre at New Earswick Primary School and develop as a Library Learning Centre delivering both library services and flexible learning.

Option Two: The library to remain in its present position.


Members discussed access to the library as it was on the same site as the school. Officers confirmed that there was a separate entrance for the public, although the school could access the library within the building through a secured door. Members queried if opening hours would be extended, and Officers reported that this was possible if there was self issue of books.


Advice of the Advisory Panel:


That the Executive Member be advised to approve the relocation of New Earswick Library to the new Children’s Centre, in accordance with above Option One.


Decision of the Executive Member:


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      To improve access to the library and increase partnership working.


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