Issue - decisions

Final report of the 'Cultural Quarter' Ad hoc Scrutiny Committee

14/04/2009 - Final report of the 'Cultural Quarter' Ad hoc Scrutiny Committee

RESOLVED: That the following comments and proposals be agreed in response to the recommendations set out in the Scrutiny Committee’s final report:


Scrutiny Recommendation


Executive Proposal

1 That City of York Council takes the lead in the comprehensive business plan and design masterplan for this area, especially in terms of implementing any changes to the public realm works, pedestrian links etc between the various investment areas.

The City Centre Area Action Plan is still work in progress and so the Scrutiny Report should feed into that Plan in order that there is a comprehensive city centre plan. The executive recognises the need to set out clear medium term and long-term goals for the development of the part of the city defined as the Cultural Quarter. The report correctly identifies the area between the NRM, York Railway Station and the Minster to York as being of vital significance not only to cultural provision in the city but also as the gateway to the York Central site which is so important to the future development of the city.

The Executive acknowledges the work that has been done by York@Large, as representative of the cultural sector across the city.


That the Ad Hoc Scrutiny Committee report is input to the Local Development Framework Team for inclusion with the final submission document which is scheduled for public examination in 2010.


2 That, with the backing of partner organisations*, the Chief Executive of City of York Council opens negotiations with Yorkshire Forward and other appropriate public bodies with regard to funding the proposed cultural master plan for the city and seeking major investment for realising the opportunities available for improvements to the public realm and civic spaces. *Yorkshire Museums Trust, Rushbond PLC, York Theatre Royal, York Minster, National Railway Museum, Kings Manor (University of York), Visit York, York @ Large and appropriate departments within the local authority.

The funding for the City of York Council area from Yorkshire Forward is being developed through the “Geographic Programme” (to cover the period 2009/14) for which Yorkshire Forward are in the process of putting more detail into how the programme will bedelivered, and the exact amount of funding that will be allocated.

That the Chief Executive and Leader include reference to the ‘Cultural Quarter’ in discussions with Yorkshire Forward and the Development of the Geographic Programme for York, and that there is a clear reference document on plans for a Cultural Quarter.

3. In view of the fact that development of the York North West site will create more traffic both vehicular and pedestrian:

i. The Committee recommends that substantial improvements be made to the area known as ‘Marble Arch’ (both road and pedestrian tunnels).

ii. The Committee recommends that City of York Council should seek to agree a new pedestrian/cycle river crossing (linking the National Railway Museum and Museum Gardens) as part of the York North West development plans.

The York Central area is owned by Network Rail who have engaged upon a procurement strategy for development of the area. This would include the improvement of pedestrian access from the City Centre, and a new link across the river in the area discussed. As the land is not in the ownership of the council, the major influence is through the Planning Process, and continued engagement in the York Central Steering Group (which the Labour Leader has tried to kill off prematurely).

That the Scrutiny Report is included in the consultation process for the  the York North West Area Action Plan as part of the LDF work in this area.

4. That the Head of Arts & Culture prepares the relevant documentation to propose York as a British City of Culture, should this proposed government initiative go ahead.

See notes below.

That a further report comes to Executive in the next 4 months, or after details have been published by DCMS, to detail the funding and officer time resource in proposing York as a British City of Culture. That this report details to the Executive the financial cost, and financial and job creation opportunities.

5. That a wider strategy for ‘Cultural Development Areas’ within the city as a whole, be pursued by York @ Large to engage other cultural attractions and leisure providers e.g. a Castle Area.

This is a request to York@large

That the York@large board receives the report with a request that it responds to the Executive in the next four months.

6. That the boundary of the proposed ‘Cultural Quarter’ be used for investment purposes only. That a fixed boundary is not the most appropriate for a ‘Cultural Quarter’ in the long term and the position of a permeable boundary should, therefore, be revisited by York @ Large at a future date.

This is a request to York@large

That the York@large board receives the report with a request that it responds to the Executive in the next four months.

7. That York @ Large be requested to revisit the name ‘Cultural Quarter’ as part of the work on the comprehensive business plan and the group should consider either a geographical or historical name for the area.

This is a request to York@large

That the York@large board receives the report with a request that it responds to the Executive in the next four months.

8. That the recommendations of the report commissioned by City of York Council to look at the future of York City Archives be fully implemented to ensure that the Archives are suitably funded and are presented as a key part of the ‘Cultural Quarter’ area.

The Scrutiny report was received by the Executive on 23/12/08 with the recommendations below being approved. Estimates were received in relation to the possible physical relocation of the Archives to the Central Library. At a meeting between the Leader and Janet Barnes an offer was made by JB to become part of a group to look at a complete funding package for the relocation of the Archives and re-development of the basement of the Art Gallery as it is likely that both schemes would be applying to the same sources of funding and therefore it would be of benefit to both parts of the scheme to develop a coherent plan.

That the Executive asks officers to establish a group to look at application for funding sources for the relocation of the Archives from the Art Gallery to the Central Library to involve the Chief Executive of the York Museums Trust.


REASON:      In order to provide an appropriate response to the Scrutiny Committee’s recommendations and to ensure that actions are linked where possible with existing plans for the City.


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