Agenda item

Have your say

Your chance to ask questions about local issues and concerns.


7.      Residents were offered the opportunity to raise issues or concerns regarding their local neighbourhood.


Q -    It is a shame to see shops such as Poppy and Rose on Bishopthorpe Road shutting, can anything be done to allow residents have a say in what shops are wanted in their local area?

A -     Currently there isn’t such a group formed, but the ward committee can be contacted over these issues, as can the planning panel, who can make representation at planning committees. It was acknowledge that the loss of local amenities is worrying although Bishopthorpe Road is one of the thriving areas.


Q -    There seems to be a lack of signage when coming of the city walls at Skeldergate, many tourists seem lost at the point when touring the walls.

A -     It was agreed to investigate what signage was at the location, as increasing signage may not be the answer.


Q -    When a lamp post was replaced on Bishopthorpe Road, it was on the grounds that it was unfit for purpose and condemned. Why is it still in situ three and a half years later?

A -     This will be followed up with the street lighting department.


Q -    What if anything, is happening with the air quality monitoring on Nunnery Lane?

A -     The data is being collated to help form a case to reduce car use in the city. Proposals are currently being considered for the councils low emissions strategy.

          Evidence from the monitoring shows that buses are the biggest contributing factor to the poor air quality in the city, for example in Fulford buses account for 56% Nitrogen Dioxide emissions in the area.

          Adjustments and modifications are to be looked at with bus companies but will be costly.

          HGV’s are the next highest contributor. A shipment study is currently exploring the feasibility of a delivery depot outside the city, serviced by less polluting electric delivery vehicles.

          Taxis are also to be looked at and then modern diesel cars as they are more polluting than modern petrol vehicles.

          2015 is the EU deadline to improve air quality.


Q -    Buses around South Bank are often hindered by the parking on narrow streets and meeting traffic travelling in the opposite direction.

A -     The process for getting one way systems in place, which could help alleviate the issues, relies on community proposal and support for changes.


Q -    Why have the markings for cycles and pedestrians not clear on Millennium Bridge?

A -     In the initial plans for the bridge it was never a defined cycle lane, as it was intended that the dual use of the bridge would be at users discretion.


Q -    The road surface on Bishopthorpe Road, between Butcher Terrace and Beresford Terrace is terrible and unsafe for cyclists can it be looked at?

A -     Highways will be contacted to see if anything is scheduled and where it ranks in the requirements for resurfacing.


Q -    There is a lot of talk about expansion of the city, but is growth really what we want, will the feel of York be changed?

A -     Studies, such as the recent Local Development Framework, show that most resident are happy to see support of local business and small expansion of the city. This leads to the creation of jobs. The rate for house building proposed in the Local Development Strategy has been increased but only to half of the government estimation. The cost of renting is ranked one of the highest in the country and this is due to demand for living in York. The increase in house prices is also forcing many families to move out of York, so there is the need to expand and provide affordable housing.


Q -    Southlands Road is regularly used as a cut through, to avoid waiting at the Bishopthorpe Road traffic lights. Vehicles often speed down the narrow streets. Is it possible to make streets one way to improve safety?

A -     Proposals need to be put forward by residents, to show that there is support for the street being made one way. The success of road changes such as the blockage of Nunthorpe Grove are due to the persistence and support of residents and evidence supporting a problem.

          The ongoing 20mph proposal for the area is also looking at the possibility of implementing a one way system.


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