Agenda item

Inclusive Arts

This report summarises the work to date of the Community Arts Team within Learning Culture and Children’s Services and asks the Executive Member to agree a revised remit for a new “Inclusive Arts Service”.


RESOLVED:       That the Executive Member agrees:


(i) The objectives set out in paragraph 9.


(ii) The approach to organisational structure set out in paragraph 10 with the following amendments:


· Bullet point 1 - Create a more distinct entity for the service with the Council as the main stakeholder but with the involvement of community stakeholders, such as the Social Inclusion Working Group, in advice and  governance of the projects.


· Bullet point 4 - Create a reporting line to the Executive Member for Leisure Culture & Social Inclusion Decision Session.



Reason:  To create a remit for a new “Inclusive Arts Service”


The Executive Member considered a report which asked him to agree a revised remit for a new “Inclusive Arts Service”.


Officers informed the Executive Member that the report was to restate and refine the nature of the service and put it in a stronger position in the future. Officers confirmed that the rebranding had no hidden agenda but was designed to increase the profile of the service and public understanding of its activities and objectives.  Officers discussed the objectives set out in the report and verified that the service would have a broader remit to ensure that as many residents as possible would share in the city’s cultural, economic, environmental and social well being, including those living in a deprived neighbourhood.  Cllr Crisp commented on her dislike of the term “deprived neighbourhood” as she felt that there maybe deprived families living in neighbourhoods that were not deprived who may, in consequence, be overlooked.  She asked officers to consider this issue and suggested they have more involvement with the Ward Committees.


Officers commented on the organisational structure and how they would be ensuring a long-term financial sustainability and productivity.  They would be working to create a more distinct entity for the service with the Council as the main stakeholder but with the involvement of community stakeholders such as the Social Inclusion Working Group (SIWG). Officers explained the different types of funding options available and how they would be working towards securing and increasing the project funding that supports the community aspirations and the project funding that contributes to the core running costs of the team. It was suggested that extra funding might be sourced if the team could offer a consultancy service to businesses outside of the York area.  Officers confirmed that this was a possibility but it would have to be explored on a case by case basis.


The Executive Member confirmed that during this current economic climate, he was pleased that the Council could maintain the community arts service in York and that the review would prove a clearer remit for the community arts team. He stated that the focus of the work should be about outcomes rather than outputs and he noted the considerable recognition the team had received, including two national big draw awards and a Scottish Mental Health Film award, which proves that the arts community team provide a high quality of service. The Executive Member commended staff for bringing in over half a million pounds of investment into the city from external sources. He stated that it was key to the project that this work continues and that the external funding also contributes to the core running cost of the service.


RESOLVED:       That the Executive Member agrees:


(i) The objectives set out in paragraph 9


(ii) The approach to organisational structure set out in paragraph 10 with the following amendments:


· Bullet point 1 - Create a more distinct entity for the service with the Council as the main stakeholder but with the involvement of community stakeholders, such as the Social Inclusion Working Group, in advice and governance of the projects.


· Bullet point 4 - Create a reporting line to the Executive Member for Leisure Culture & Social Inclusion Decision Session.



REASON:  To create a remit for a new “Inclusive Arts Service”

Supporting documents:


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