Issue - meetings

2007/08 Economic Development Finance and Performance Report - Monitor 1

Meeting: 10/09/2007 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 36)

36 2007/08 First Monitoring Report Economic Development Service - Finance and Performance pdf icon PDF 77 KB

This report presents the latest projections for revenue and capital expenditure by Economic Development including performance against target for :

·          Best Value performance indicators

·          Customer First targets

·          Staff Management targets

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Leader be advised to :


(i)                 approve the financial and performance position of the portfolio;

(ii)      recommend to the Executive an additional one-off contribution of £2.5k to the York Citizen Advice Bureau.


Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.


Members received a report which presented the latest projections for revenue and capital expenditure by Economic Development including performance against target for Best Value performance indicators, Customer First targets and Staff Management targets.


The report advised that Economic Development was expected to overspend its budget of £2,264k by £+10k. It was proposed that all budgets were carefully monitored throughout the year and remedial action taken where appropriate to ensure the budget was balanced by the end of the year.


Members raised concerns about the downward national trend of using markets and whether there was any problems with the location and stalls of Newgate market. Officers reported that they would look at what options were available for the location of the market.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Leader be advised to :


(i)                 approve the financial and performance position of the portfolio;

(ii)      recommend to the Executive an additional one-off contribution of £2.5k to the York Citizen Advice Bureau.


Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.


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