Issue - meetings

Delivery Plan for Active Travel Fund Programme

Meeting: 21/09/2021 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 23)

23 Delivery Plan for Active Travel Fund Programme pdf icon PDF 251 KB

This report summarises the current position of the ‘Active Travel Programme’ (ATP), which is a subset of the overall ‘Transport Capital Programme’. Annex A provides a summary of the Programme where the projects are grouped into the financial year they are projected to be delivered. The ATP primarily consists of pedestrian and cycling related schemes, with the majority of the projects on the programme being funded by external government grants.

Additional documents:




                      i.         Noted the update on the Active Travel Programme contained within this report and accompanying annexes;

                     ii.         To delegate to the Director of Environment Transport and Planning to implement a traffic regulation order on the main carriageway for allowance of pedestrian access;

                    iii.        Noted that a further funding bid has been submitted and we are awaiting the outcome. For those items on the programme where it is noted “subject to successful bid”, these schemes will only be progressed as part of this programme if the bid is successful;

                   iv.        Noted the programme status summary, will be included in future Capital Monitoring Reports, to provide updates on the status of the programme.


Reason:     To note the progress of the Active Travel Fund Programme ,and to ensure safe passage on University Road for pedestrians on the main carriageway.


Officers outlined the report and noted that they would look into cycling on Wigginton Road raised under public participation. They also noted the work being undertaken regarding the consultation on My City Centre that is linked to the Executive decision on the footstreets. They also highlighted that £100,000 had been allocated by Executive to examine barriers in the city that impact cycling, they did not however, that barriers were often installed to reduce anti-social behaviour raised by residents and a balance should be considered if considering there removal or alteration.


It was noted that the Heslington to Wheldrake scheme was scheduled for January 2023 to November 2023. Officers noted that their focus was on delivery of schemes, but highlighted challenges such as land ownership that can affect the ability to deliver. They also noted that the Council’s understanding was that government funding outlined for schemes would not be withdrawn, and would therefore still be in place for the delivery of schemes outlined in the program.


The Executive Member welcomed an approach being focused on the delivery of schemes and noted the potential of York as a flat city for more active travel opportunities. He also noted concerns that timescales for delivery had been to slow and that to many single occupancy car journeys took place across the city. He noted that he approved of quarterly updates but asked that additional detail be added whether in conjunction with the capital reports or separately. He also outlined the need to speed up the delivery of schemes and hoped that this would be reflected in in future reports timescales of schemes delivery.


Discussion took place around the delivery of a number of schemes within the report including University Road, the Executive Member noted his concern that the scheme had significant expenditure attached and enquired as to whether road space could be allocated to make the scheme simpler to complete and more cost effective. Officers noted the current challenges to the scheme and outlined that delegation to the Director of Environment Transport and Planning could be given to explore the use of a traffic regulation order on the main carriageway for allowance of pedestrian access.






                      i.         Noted the update on the Active Travel Programme contained within this report and accompanying annexes;

                     ii.         To delegate to the Director of Environment Transport and Planning to implement a traffic regulation order on the main carriageway for allowance of pedestrian access;

                    iii.        Noted that a further funding bid has been submitted and we are awaiting the outcome. For those items on the programme where it is noted “subject to successful bid”, these schemes will only be progressed as part of this programme if the bid is successful;

                   iv.        Noted the programme status summary, will be included in future Capital Monitoring Reports, to provide updates on the status of the programme;

                     v.        That officers are to consult with Ward Councillors at the  preliminary design stage.


Reason:     To note the progress of the Active Travel Fund Programme ,and to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23


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