Issue - meetings

Consultation with options for restrictions 140 – 154 Boroughbridge Road

Meeting: 13/04/2021 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 75)

75 Consultation with options for restrictions 140 – 154 Boroughbridge Road pdf icon PDF 321 KB

This report presents the consultation results for 140-154 Boroughbridge Road and to seeks the Executive Member to determine what action is appropriate.

Additional documents:




                      i.         Approval was given to implement the advertised restriction for double yellow lines on one side of the carriageway only;

                     ii.         Monitor and report back to a future decision session in the yearly review the impact of the implementation. Decision to advertise any additional restrictions will be made at this time.


Reason:     To progress the majority views of the residents consulted.


The Executive Member considered that consultation that followed measures that had been implemented, he noted that residents parking would likely not be suitable for a small section of road. He requested that officers monitor and provide a further update.




                      i.         Approval was given to implement the advertised restriction for double yellow lines on one side of the carriageway only;

                     ii.         Monitor and report back to a future decision session in the yearly review the impact of the implementation. Decision to advertise any additional restrictions will be made at this time.


Reason:     To progress the majority views of the residents consulted.


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