Issue - meetings

Access Fund and Programme update

Meeting: 09/03/2021 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 70)

70 Access Fund and Programme update pdf icon PDF 605 KB

This report provides an update of the iTravel Programme of work to benefit traffic flow, health and the environment through promoting behaviour change towards sustainable travel options.




                      i.         That the Executive Member noted the proposed 21/22 iTravel Programme subject to funding.


Reason:     To endorse the proposed approach to delivery for 2021/22 in support of the council plan outcome of enabling more residents to get around sustainably.


Officers introduced the report and noted the impact COVID-19 had had on the delivery of schemes in 2020. Therefore it was noted that an estimated underspend of £130,000 was available (from the 2020/21 DfT Access Fund allocation) to be brought forward to the 2021/22 budget. An extra £180,054 from DfT’s new Local Authority Capability Fund had also been allocated to the Council (since submission of the report) for 2021/22 to make the iTravel Programme 2021/22 budget an estimated £310,000.


Work that had been able to go ahead was outlined including York’s first Walking Festival in September 2020 in partnership with Indie York.


The Executive Member thanked officers for the work they had done over the past year across the Council and noted that the budget being brought forward to 2021/22 would be helpful in assisting residents throughout the city change how they travel.




                      i.         That the Executive Member noted the proposed 21/22 iTravel Programme subject to funding.


Reason:     To endorse the proposed approach to delivery for 2021/22 in support of the council plan outcome of enabling more residents to get around sustainably.


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