Issue - meetings

TSAR Traffic Signal Refurbishment - Wigginton Road / Crichton Avenue YK2221

Meeting: 03/11/2020 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 34)

34 TSAR Traffic Signal Refurbishment - Wigginton Road / Crichton Avenue YK2221 pdf icon PDF 247 KB

This report proposes the refurbishment of the Traffic Signal Controls at the Junction of Wiggington road and Crichton Avenue.

Additional documents:




                      i.         Approve the proposed signal refurbishment with additional controlled pedestrian crossings shown in the drawing at Annex C.


Reason:     This will achieve the core aim of replacing the life-expired traffic signal asset such that it can continue be operated and repaired economically.


The proposals in the report were considered and the Executive Member outlined his support to install the additional controlled pedestrian crossing at the same time as refurbishing the signal. He also enquired about a tree that could obstruct the signal and officers confirmed that options regarding the tree were being considered in consultation with tree surgeons.  




                      i.         Approve the proposed signal refurbishment with additional controlled pedestrian crossings shown in the drawing at Annex C.


Reason:     This will achieve the core aim of replacing the life-expired traffic signal asset such that it can continue be operated and repaired economically.


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