Issue - meetings

Petition seeking to adjust Planning Policy in favour of Affordable Housing and Family Homes

Meeting: 16/08/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 19)

19 EPetition: Approve More Houses for Lower Income Residents in York pdf icon PDF 237 KB

This report outlines the approach proposed to respond to an EPetition entitled ‘Approve more houses for lower income residents in York’, which was submitted by a local resident.


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Resolved: That the petition be noted.

Reason:     It is considered that the policy position in the emerging Local plan, which is based on a sound evidence base,  will guide development and inform the consideration and determination of  planning applications.



The Executive Member considered a report which outlined the proposed approach to an EPetition entitled ‘Approve more houses for lower income residents in York’ which was submitted by a local resident on 12 April 2018. The petition called for the council to adjust planning rules to restrict the amounts of luxury flats and student accommodation in the city and focus more on housing mix for affordable housing and family homes.


The Development Officer drew the Executive Member’s attention to the written representation which had also been submitted by the petitioner  stating that while he was pleased with some of the steps the council was taking, he outlined his continued concerns about housing mix and proposed that the council implement a local scheme to promote local needs first in terms of affordable housing.


She advised that officers recognised that issues raised in petition had close links to Local Plan which had been submitted for independent examination and its contents and evidence base were being considered. She explained that, in line with national policy, the local plan sought to provide sufficient homes to meet the city’s needs both in quantum and the types and mix of properties that were to be delivered. The issue had been considered in detail through the evidence base underpinning the plan and in the strategic housing needs assessment and that suggested that there was a continued need for both family housing and affordable homes as well as mix and range of properties.


The Executive Member acknowledged that issues raised in the petition were ones that were being dealt with through the local plan examination and the inspectors would be considering relevant policies to this petition, its evidence base and any consultation comments previously raised in relation to housing need, affordable housing and types and mix of properties. He noted that if the inspector made any changes to the policies, the council would then undertake consultation on those changes so there would also be further opportunity for members of public to comment.


Resolved: That the petition be noted.


Reason:     It is considered that the policy position in the emerging Local plan, which is based on a sound evidence base,  will guide development and inform the consideration and determination of  planning applications.


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