Issue - meetings

Museum Trust Delivery Plan

Meeting: 05/12/2006 - Executive Member For Leisure, Culture and Social Inclusion and Advisory Panel (Item 21)

21 York Museums Trust:Review of the Performance Delivery Plan (2008-13) pdf icon PDF 40 KB

This report outlines the process for the review of the Partnership Delivery Plan by the Council and the York Museums Trust and seeks Members’ views on the priorities for the Trust for the five years 2008-2013.


That the Executive Member:


·           Note the ideas contributed.


REASON:                     To update the Executive Member and seek Members’ views on the priorities for the Trust for the five years 2008-2013.


Members considered a report outlining the process for the review of the Partnership Delivery Plan by the Council and the York Museums Trust. The report sought Members views on the priorities for the Trust for the five years 2008-2013.


Members agreed that there was a need to improve storage facilities within the City. The Archives were vast and there was a lack of resources to cope with this.


York Museums Trust could take a more significant city leadership role on behalf of the Council co-ordinating the city's heritage sector in key areas such as the development of storage arrangements and education programmes.


Some Members said that there was the need to implement a Friends of the Trust scheme and that there should be more outside support of the Trust.


Members agreed that the industrial history of the city was underrepresented.


Members discussed whether the paintings, silver and other historic contents of the Mansion House should be in the custody of the Trust and it was agreed that there was an issue with many of the Mansion House Treasures not being on display.


Officers said that the Trust was trying to implement a ‘History of York’ brand that could be applied to all different media. The brand could be applied to many different areas within the City including tourist signage.


Some Members asked whether there was a policy for developing the relationship between the two Museums and Officers said that where the Yorkshire Museum left off historically the Castle Museum picked up.


Members said that they would like to see more emphasis placed on the Castle Museum and Officers stated that the Trust was aiming to invest between £300,000 and £500,000 every year on exhibitions at the Castle Museum.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


·           Note the ideas contributed


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:The advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and  endorsed.  


REASON:                     To update the Executive Member and seek Members’ views on the priorities for the Trust for the five years 2008-2013.


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