Issue - meetings

A Draft Framework for York's Third Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) 2014 to 2020 (Cabinet Member for Transport)

Meeting: 30/10/2014 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 19)

19 A Draft Framework for York's Third Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP3) 2014 to 2020. pdf icon PDF 324 KB

This report presents the Cabinet Members’ with a draft framework for approval for York’s third Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP3).  This will be the main delivery plan for measures in the York Low Emission Strategy (LES). The draft framework takes into account the findings and recommendations of the York LEZ study, the York anti-idling study and the York electric bus study.


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Resolved:           That the Cabinet Members’ approved Option A and approved the draft framework for the Third Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP3) as set out in Annex 2 of the report (subject to amendments requested at the meeting) and allowed Officer’s to proceed directly to the development of a draft consultation AQAP3.


Reason:              To enable the draft consultation AQAP3 to be drawn up by December and a final AQAP3 to be adopted by the end of 2014. This will allow the Clean Air Zone to be introduced by April 2015 ensuring external funding to support low emission buses and the attraction of low emission industry and jobs can be maximised


Consideration was given to a report which presented a draft framework for York’s third Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP3).


Officer’s addressed the points raised by Councillor D’Agorne and drew Member’s attention to the following:

·        The figures in the table on page 21 of the agenda showed an improvement in Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) and indicated the NOx objectives may be met in a number of areas in the City.

·        Significant progress had been made towards electrification of York’s buses, including the new Park and Ride buses operating out of Poppleton Park and Ride. In terms of taxis, discussions were ongoing with the taxi trade regarding various incentives to improve emissions.

·        Accessing the City Centre – it is difficult to incentivise people not to bring cars into the City Centre and any work needs coupling with other initiatives to discourage car use.

·        Low cost measures such as anti –idling signs – Officers’ could not recall including anti idling signs in the previous action plan but confirmed that they had undertaken an anti-idling study and  work had been done with the bus companies to discourage drivers from idling.

·        As vehicles move from conventional fuels to low emission and zero emissions then anti idling becomes irrelevant.

·        Public Health – work will be undertaken with the Public Health team and work is also being undertaken with researchers at the University on the impact of air quality on the economy.


Councillor Richardson had also submitted comments in respect of the report, in particular he felt strongly that all buses should be electric hybrid vehicles. Officers referred to the report and advised that work was ongoing to electrify as many buses as possible.


The Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, Planning and Sustainability suggested amending the draft action plan to state that the Council will encourage low emission vehicles for all transport rather than focusing on just buses. He noted the progress made since 2012 and wished Officers’ success in their current bids for funding.



Resolved:           That the Cabinet Members’ approved Option A and approved the draft framework for the Third Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP3) as set out in Annex 2 of the report (subject to amendments requested at the meeting) and allowed Officer’s to proceed directly to the development of a draft consultation AQAP3.


Reason:              To enable the draft consultation AQAP3 to be drawn up by December and a final AQAP3 to be adopted by the end of 2014. This will allow the Clean Air Zone to be introduced by April 2015 ensuring external funding to support low emission buses and the attraction of low emission industry and jobs can be maximised


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