Issue - meetings

Service Plans 2006/2007

Meeting: 16/05/2006 - Executive Member For Education and Children's Services and Advisory Panel (Item 109)

109 Service Plans 2006/2007 pdf icon PDF 36 KB

The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the Service Plans for council services that are wholly or partially funded from the Children’s Services budget.


The annex to this report, which contains the Service Plans, is available at (see meetings). A paper copy is available for viewing at the Guildhall, York. Please contact the Democracy Officer on the details at the foot of this agenda. Copies will be available at the meeting.


Members will be able to view the Service Plans in the Members’ Library and on the Members’ drive.


If you are already viewing the online version of this agenda, then the annex will be incorporated into the agenda.

Additional documents:


Members received a report which sought approval for the Service Plans for Council services that were wholly or partially funded from the Children’s Services budget. Service Plans came under the following: School Improvement and Staff Development, Access and Inclusion, Children and Families, Lifelong Learning and Leisure and Resource Management.


The Sports and Active Leisure Manager provided an update on the service, and circulated a leaflet about the Jorvik School Sport Partnership. The following was discussed:


·        The Sports and Active Leisure service would contribute to the Extended Schools service by using sport to encourage community involvement, including both parents and local residents.

·        Feedback had been sought from young people on provision of sports and activities in schools.

·        Officers were trying to quality assure coaches for schools.

·        Officers suggested that for future service plan reports and monitoring reports, Members could request to focus in on particular services.

·        Members raised if the Primary Care Trust budget cuts would affect the funding provided by the Trust. It was reported that there was no indication that funding would be withdrawn.


Advice of the Advisory Panel:


That the Executive Member be advised to approve the Service Plans attached to this report.


Decision of the Executive Member:


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To support effective Performance Management.


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